MOBTS 2024 Pre-Arrival Handbook (PAH)
Email #3: Check-in, Session Rooms, WiFi, and Trolleys
What's in This PAH?
  • Campus Map
  • Conference check-in (and late check-in process)
  • What to expect in your session rooms
  • Wednesday Night Trolley Tour

Prior Conference Pre-Arrival Mailings to Date (PDF)
MOBTS Conference Attendees,

We are only one week away from everyone descending upon Salem State University for our opening dinner!

This email covers our conference map and points of interest, what to do if you're checking in late, and what to expect once you're in your session room as a presenter.

As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

Brandon Charpied
MOBTS Executive Director
+1 (843) 855-0301 (text/WhatsApp/call)
MOBTS Campus Map

The campus map has been customized to isolate MOBTS buildings and sessions. Please refer to this map by downloading/bookmarking the above PDF or when utilizing the MOBTS mobile program (located in the "About" pages).

The legend on the left side of the map will provide you all of the information you require. As you'll see, our campus footprint is exceptionally small as most all operations are taking place within three building immediately adjacent to one another.

Salem Bike Trail: Please take note of the beautiful bike trail that Salem State has adjacent to our events. This bike trail will take you into downtown Salem and other neighborhoods. If you are looking for a place to run, walk, or relax, we recommend heading over to this trail.

Preconference Attendees: Please note that if you are amongst the preconference attendees (includes the Board of Directors, Doctoral Institute, Early Educator Institute, CLC, and journal editorial team), you will primarily be on the North Campus which is just a short walk from the "main" campus (formerly the 'Central' campus, now the 'Harrington' campus) that will host all of our general conference events. Breakfast will remain in Marsh Dining Hall for preconference attendees; however, Tuesday lunch will be at North Campus Cafe (Lower).

Early Arrivals (Non-Preconference): If you are arriving early to Salem State University but are not part of the preconference activities, please note that early arrival meals are not included with your preconference arrival. The additional fees for early arrival are our breakeven cost for the room and we do not budget for your food. Any early arrival meals are out-of-pocket expenses and not covered by MOBTS.

Check-in Hours and Late-Night Arrivals: Conference registration and check-in hours are below. Please note that only badges will be provided to early arrivals. T-shirts and such will not be handed out until general conference check-in on Tuesday. If you arrive at a time when the residence halls are not staffed, please contact the number that will be provided on the residence hall door. Contacting Brandon will only slow down the process as he will not be able to do anything beyond informing you to contact that same number.
  • Sunday & Monday: Check in at residence hall to get your keys and pick up your badge from the registration table. If during unstaffed hours, contact the number provided on the residence hall door.
  • Tuesday: You may check into housing at any point and pick up your badge from the registration table. Conference t-shirt pick up begins at 3pm and concludes at 5pm.
  • Tuesday Late-Night: Call phone # on the residence hall door and pick up your badge from registration table.
  • Wednesday & Thursday: Check-in at residence hall at any time and pick up your bag from the registration table. You will have to coordinate with Brandon for t-shirt pickup.

General Conference Events: Most all general conference events will take place on Central campus between building numbers 15 (session rooms), 19 (dining hall), and 27 (Charlotte Forten Residence, formerly known as Viking Hall). Please note that until recently our residence hall was named Viking Hall. You may still see references to that, especially in online directions. The residence hall is now called Charlotte Forten Residence Hall. The address for conference check-in and residence hall keys (if staying on-site) is: 71 Loring Avenue Salem, MA 01970
Session Rooms

All sessions are taking place at the Bertolon School of Business (#15 on the map). We have 12 session rooms that will run at most all times on Wednesday and Thursday, and about half that on Friday morning. The session rooms are located on the first and second floors of the b-school.

Signage will be present throughout the building and campus as a whole, so please be on the lookout for those directions. The rooms are all in a small footprint, though a couple of rooms are in 'tricky' areas (i.e. walking beyond faculty offices to reach them). Just take note of the signage and those locations and you'll be fine.

All session rooms have PCs and screens, though certain rooms are designed differently than others. If you require use of your own laptop, please bring any necessary dongles. Additionally, please make sure anything you are using on the classroom computers is PC/Windows compatible.

All rooms are considered high tech smart rooms. There are no whiteboards in any rooms; however, the multiple screens in the rooms operate as whiteboards themselves. For more on how to use the technology in the room, please watch the 90-second video below. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with the classroom technology before getting to campus as there are only a couple of us that can assist you while there are 12 sessions running concurrently.

As a reminder, hybrid and virtual sessions must pre-register for the necessary Zoom link. This applies to both presenters and attendees!
Wireless Access (WiFi)

WiFi is an open Guest network. No formal credentials or EduRoam are required.
Trolley Tour

For those that pre-registered for the trolley tour of Salem at 7:30pm or 9:00pm, you will have a colored dot on your conference badge to designate your time. You will only be able to board with your pre-registered group as there is limited seating and the 7:30pm tour is booked full.

The tour pickup and drop-off itinerary are as follows:

  • 7:30pm: Trolley pick-up at SSU bookstore
  • 8:30pm: Trolley drop-off at Salem Armory Visitor Center (2 New Liberty St.) -- this is for individuals who wish to stay downtown but can be picked up by the Trolley later (or rideshare back on their own time)
  • 8:45pm: Trolley drop-off at SSU bookstore for those returning to campus
  • 9:00pm: Trolley pick-up at SSU bookstore for late tour
  • 10:00pm: Trolley drop-off at SSU bookstore for late tour
  • 10:15pm: Trolley pick-up at Salem Armory Visitor Center for early tour participants that stayed in town
  • 10:30pm: Trolley drop-off at SSU bookstore for late returning guests
Thank you to our Institutional Affiliate sponsors!
Please consider having your own institutions become affiliate members of MOBTS. There is significant value in doing so for institutions with faculty that attend our annual, International, and Oceania conferences!

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email or call/text/WhatsApp me at (843) 855-0301 and I will respond as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Brandon Charpied
MOBTS Executive Director
Brandon Taylor Charpied
Executive Director, MOBTS
+1 (843) 855-0301
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