MOBTS 2024 Pre-Arrival Handbook (PAH)
Email #1: Welcome & Conference Programs
MOBTS Conference Attendees,

On behalf of conference Site Chair Cai Ken Mullane, Program Chair Sabrina Speights, and the entire MOBTS leadership team, it is my honor and privilege to reach out to you as attendees of our upcoming 51st anniversary conference at Salem State University. For most all things leading up to and through the conference, I will be your primary point of contact. If you have any questions or concerns along the way, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or by phone/text/WhatsApp at (843) 855-0301.

First and foremost - we cannot wait for you all to be a part of MOBTS 2024 next month! While we expect nothing less from an MOBTS conference, our program has shaped up to be a fantastic one that is composed of a significant number of sessions that focus on our New Ways of Working themed track that will explore the shifting workplace environment and its impact on faculty and students alike.

For those of you that are new to MOBTS - and we have plenty of first-timers at this event with this being 35% of our conference attendees' first MOBTS experience - as well as a reminder for those of you who have been around for a while, this is the first email in what will be many that will take the place of our annual "Pre-Arrival Handbook" (PAH). Over the next three weeks you will receive a series of emails from me that will cover various aspects of the conference, give you insights into what to expect in regard to our culture, the sessions, our events and evening socials, and how to prepare for your evenings residing in campus residence halls (if you're staying on site with us). Each email will contain critical information that is designed to make your experience as pleasant, exciting, and memorable as possible. These will be particularly critical for all of you first-timers to the conference. But don't worry too much about flagging these emails as with each new email that goes out, I will link to all prior correspondence for ease of reference.

So, before we get to any of those finer details of the conference -- let's once again share our conference program! Please note that this program will still be edited further for rooms as well as indications of which of our sessions have been set for virtual and/or selected for hybrid experiences. As MOBTS has exhibited since its virtual conferences during COVID and in our face-to-face conferences since we continue to strive to be a leader in virtual and hybrid experiences for those that do not have the privilege to attend in-person.

While I will close this initial email by unveiling our conference program, I do want to emphasize to all - and especially our newcomers - that we are an easy-going group, one that is informal, supportive, and goes out of our way to allow fellow educators to feel as if they've found their home and their people. While I'll touch base on such informalities in upcoming emails, do please make note that we are an incredibly relaxed group throughout the length of the conference.
I also want to take a moment to thank our Institutional Affiliate sponsors! Dean Micheal Stratton and Dean Barb Ritter have long been incredible supporters of MOBTS as board members, conference hosts, and in recent years as Institutional Affiliates of our organization. Additionally, UMass Boston has recently joined on as a Gold Affiliate and HEC Montreal as a Silver Affiliate in our IA program.

We thank Georgia State College & University, Jacksonville University, UMass Boston, and HEC Montreal for their support as Institutional Affiliates!
Please consider having your own institutions become affiliate members of MOBTS. There is significant value in doing so for institutions with faculty that attend our annual, International, and Oceania conferences!

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me via email or call/text/WhatsApp me at (843) 855-0301 and I will respond as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

Brandon Charpied
MOBTS Executive Director

As always, MOBTS offers our attendees three program options -- a full 'matrix' program, an online app, and an overview. Please click on any of the links below to access each respective program. Note that the Full Program is the suggested option prior to attending the conference to consider what your itinerary may be; however, once on campus the Mobile App will be your most useful option. As stated above, this program will go through minor edits over the course of the next week as we assign room numbers, as well as assigning sessions as virtual and hybrid experiences.

FULL MATRIX PROGRAM: This is a grid-style layout that provides you up front information of authors and their institutions. Clicking on any hyperlinked session will give you additional information such as keywords, topic, session format, and author contact information. This program also has an itinerary builder – by clicking the boxes you can build out your program and then download a customized calendar file at the bottom of the page. Please note that Apple devices sometimes struggle with the time zones set for these calendar downloads. Double-check to make sure your downloaded times are accurate!

MOBILE PROGRAM (no download required!): We recommend you use the Mobile Program once on campus. This program operates as if it were a downloaded standalone app but runs directly from your browser - no download required! Just like the Full Program, the Mobile App has a built-in itinerary builder – simply tap the boxes of the sessions you wish to attend and each time you come back to this program they will already be highlighted for you. It is touchscreen enabled, but also works on a laptop and desktop with standard point-and-click usage. This program also allows us to provide you with additional information via its “About” pages, as well as providing an index and search function for papers and authors. Clicking on any paper title will provide you additional information such as keywords, topic, session format, and author contact information. Click this link, bookmark the URL, and you’re all set for MOBTS 2024! Please note that the Mobile Program's additional pages (i.e. "About") will be built out by the end of May.
See You in Salem!

Brandon Taylor Charpied
Executive Director, MOBTS
+1 (843) 855-0301
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