May 2023 Newsletter

Dear MMAMTA members,

I can’t believe it is already May! While we might be tired from all the hard work we have done during this school year, it is also nice to look back and celebrate all that we have accomplished. Speaking of celebrations, graduations will be here before we know it!

May 26th at 11:00 A.M. we will have our MMAMTA Spring Luncheon! This year we will meet in Jefferson City at the Arris Pizza, located at 117, West High Street, Jefferson City, MO, 65101. Thank you, Jan Houser, for the recommendation! Here is the link for their website, in case you want to check it out:

This will be my last meeting as your president. After that, our VP, Dr. Peter Miyamoto will be our new MMAMTA president! If you are coming to the meeting, please RSVP so we can make reservations at the restaurant. To RSVP, just send me an email to: to confirm you are coming.

As a reminder, this month we will have the Piano Guild Auditions. The dates are May 15-16 for Jefferson City and May 15-18 for Columbia. (See p. 40 in Piano Guild Notes, Spring 2023 Vol. 72, No. 4)

For those who might be interested, Summer@MOSY, a Columbia based day camp for pre-collegiate Piano and Strings, age 9-18, will be June 19-23. Enroll on/before May 14 for discount tuition. For more information, visit:

Don’t forget to renew your membership! Visit the following link:

For upcoming events, visit:




Renan Leme

President of MMAMTA

Director of Orchestras, Hickman High School

Owner and Violinist at Leme Ensemble

Renew your MMAMTA membership before July 1.

Summer@MOSY for Piano & String Students: Apply before May 15 for Reduced Tuition!