Volume XVI | March 12, 2021
MMAMTA Vice President on "Musicathon"
Dear all,
I am writing to let you about the upcoming Musicathon 2021, a fundraiser event organized by the Mid Missouri Area Music Teachers Association (MMAMTA). As the Vice President of MMAMTA, I would like to invite you to participate in this great community event!

The MMAMTA provides scholarships for young musicians in the Mid Missouri Area besides promoting an annual Concerto Competition, master-classes, and supporting local charities.
There are three main ways to get involved:
· By performing at the events
· By donating money
· By spreading the word about Musicathon 
The Musicathon this year will be different than it has been in the past due to COVID-19. Instead of a live performance, we will collect videos from students and teachers and stream them on YouTube on March 7th. The link for the video is: https://youtu.be/ruP1T9dQbg4

How to donate:
Write a check made out to MMAMTA
Mail it to:
c/o Renan Leme
2805 Wolf Creek Ct.
Columbia, MO, 65203
Please help us to spread the word by letting others learn about Musicathon!
If you have any questions you can address them to me via email: reisleme.renan@gmail.com
Thank you for your support!
Renan Leme
MMAMTA Vice President
Jefferson City supports the Samaritan Center, and Columbia supports the Children's Grove.
The latest Calendar of Events and Deadlines can always be viewed on our webpage, https://www.mmamta.org/calendar.html . Here are some that are coming up in the next month or so.


  • 19 [Fri] 7pm: First Baptist Church of Columbia: Odyssey Chamber Music Series presents "Soma Quartet," featuring Soma Quartet, the 2019 Plowman Chamber Music Competition Grand Prize Winner. Program also includes the BNB Trio in Arensky Piano Trio, Brahms Violin Sonata in G with Julie Rosenfeld, violin, and Peter Miyamoto, piano, and tenor Steven Tharp in "Regenlied." Live-stream; check the web site 24 hour before the event, if the event will be open to the public. No tickets; donations only. www.OdysseyMissouri.org .

  • 15 [Thu]: Application Deadline MMAMTA Scholarship Auditions. Auditions will be virtual (video submission) again this year. Application and details are available at: https://www.mmamta.org/auditions.html