E-Newsletter | November 2019
This year, three summer Mission Tours were conducted. The results were AMAZING!  Each tour is 10 days on the calendar (travel time included), and 6 days in-country for crusade outreach. Therefore, three tours equal 18 days of actual in-the-field evangelism. In those 18 days, 6,182 people (adults & children) heard the gospel.
Hundreds received healing as they had hands laid on them by our tour group members.
Many Muslims have received Jesus as we proclaim the good news of the gospel.
Of those who heard, 5,235 received Jesus as Lord and Savior. And, in those same meetings, 1,986 sick souls testified to either a complete and instant healing, or significant and immediate improvement after hands were laid upon them.
Thousands of children were reached with the gospel in our 3 summer Mission Tours.
We give away free New Testaments to those who attend the crusades. This is the sign-up sheet our new brethren are filling out to get their Bible from us.
What can you say, except: “Praise God! Praise the Lord! Thank you, Jesus!” My heart is overflowing with joy over what has been accomplished.  Thank you for being a part of this.  In addition to all those people receiving salvation and healing, many Pastors have been encouraged to stay strong and steady in their work.  
We hold crusades everywhere - even at the beach, under the coconut trees! 
We've done thousands of open-air crusades like this since 1980. Each time it's like the first time! I love it beyond words! 
  Entire schools opened their doors to us, allowing us to go into classrooms and preach the gospel to students of all ages.
This principal shut down his entire elementary and high school, just so ALL the students could attend our crusade on school grounds!
At least two new churches are now being prayed over and planned. People have hope who didn’t have hope. The forgotten have been told they’re not forgotten by God, or by us. It’s just wonderful to know this is our purpose in life – being co-workers with the Lord in the business of winning souls.  
You can be a part of what God uses us to do next summer. Here are the dates for our three summer Mission Tours in 2020:
  1. June 16-26:        June Missions Tour
  2. July 14-24:          July Missions Tour
  3. August 11-21:     August Missions Tour

Mark your calendars and begin preparations now to join us! Spread the Word. Encourage others to come with you. Let’s get ready for more anointed outreach next summer! God bless you!  Learn More >>>
Administration Building Expansion Progress Report
By the end of October, we’ve raised over $140,000 to pay for the construction of our new Administration Building inside the MKMI Compound in the Philippines. 

At the moment, we estimate we’ll need about $5,000 more to finish the building, and furnish it with furniture, lighting fixtures, computers for the Bible school students, assorted office equipment, CCTV security systems, etc. 

If you desire to help us finish this noble project, click the link below to go to our mkmi.info page.
In Acts 10:38, the Word tells us that Jesus went around doing good, healing all who were oppressed by the devil. And in Hebrews 13:8, we’re told that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. 

To that point, we’ve seen the Lord heal thousands wherever we go to minister in his name . In late September, we visited a mighty church in Appomattox, VA, and as part of our total ministry presentation, had a healing line where Ethel and I laid hands on people in need of healing. 

Here is a testimony from our Sister Valerie Milikin , who was in that line, and sent this testimony report to us via Facebook afterwards:

"Sept. 29, 2019 Mike Keyes spoke at my church, Freedom Word Church, in Appomattox Va. At the end of his powerful message, he had an altar call for healing.

I went up and was half afraid of being slain in the Spirit and half disappointed if I didn't. When he got to me I was praying for healing of the pain in my knees, fluid in my feet and legs, and pain/spasms in my lower back which had already improved so much but still had a ways to go.
So when he laid hands on me I felt an electrical charge starting at my head down through both feet on the inside. I didn't fall. It wasn't the goose bumps, or the shiver down the spine that you get when the Holy Spirit is present. This was on the inside and it wasn't a shiver!!

The next day, I noticed that the fluid in both feet and ankles was gone as was the pain in both feet and legs. The knees were moving 100% better and the pain in them was minimal.

On Tues. my step daughter and my bestie Susan Cope were at my house and for my step daughter's benefit I moved and danced in front of her on my way to hug her goodbye to show her what God had done. It was the first time I had been able to do that since 2007 when I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia!

I want to give God ALL of the Praise and ALL of the Glory! I hope this helps someone else who might think or feel if they don't fall in the Spirit that they won't receive healing because it is not true.

God bless you all and God bless and continue to anoint Mike Keyes ministry."

~ Valerie Milikin
" This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." - 2 Timothy 3:1-5

One of the signs that tell us the return of Jesus is close at hand is a general lack of gratitude, both socially and personally. Notice in this long list of end-time signs from Second Timothy’s epistle, those who are “unthankful” are included. In these last days, more and more, people will be showing less and less thanksgiving for the blessings and benefits they have. Don’t be included in that group! 

As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday this year, purpose in your heart to excel at the giving of thanks to God, who daily loads us with His benefits. Read the book of Psalms, and especially certain ones like Psalms 107. Note the many times the writer takes time to thank God for His goodness. 
James 1:17 tells us every good and perfect gift comes from God above. Every good gift. Let that sink in. At all costs, avoid an attitude of ingratitude. 

Don’t take God’s goodness in your life for granted, because the scriptures plainly teach this truth:  Sooner or later, we will lose what we are not thankful for, and open a door to the devil to deceive and destroy – Romans 1:21.   

In Christ We Are,
Mike & Ethel
In Advancing Under Fire , Mike Keyes, Sr. challenges the Body of Christ to rise up, shed the mistakes and failures of the past and join forces to engage the enemy with the truth of the Gospel.
Do you like to work out? Take us with you to the gym with our MKMI water bottle. Holds beverages for you, and raises funds for missions for us.
Price: $4.99, plus shipping.  
2019 "Army" Tee
End-of-Year Closeout Sale.
Great Christmas gift idea for those connected to MKMI!
100% Cotton; Sizes S-XXL
Reg. $24.99 Now $19.99
*To order please call the MKMI office number (520.743.8336) or Rev. Ethel’s cell number (520.331.9976) 
Daily Devotionals.  Find them on Facebook on our Mike Keyes Ministries International home page. 
Read them. Learn from them. Apply them.     

Also, if you have friends who need to stay in touch with us through these newsletters, please forward this information, and have them add their email address to our ever-growing list of partners and friends of this ministry.  Direct them to www.mkmi.info where they can submit their email at the bottom of the page.

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"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." - John 3:16

Do Christians really know what it means for a man to perish? 

At MKMI: We do – therefore – we go!   
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Phone: 520.331.9976 (Direct)