Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia
President of the Pontifical Academy for Life

Followed by Fr. Palo Benanti
Consultor Pontifical Academy for Life
More Breaking News!
Online CDO Fundamental Course, Graduate Certificate (GC) with 3 more CDOIQ Courses
MIT CDOIQ Symposium International Track
We are thrilled to announce that we are adding a fifth track to the Symposium this year; the International Track! By going virtual in 2020, our reach expanded far and wide across the globe. The International Track is booked to the brim with incredible speakers and panelists and we can't wait to share the preliminary agenda with you next month!
Featured Session: Different journeys…One Direction:
Data Management Global Communities
2020 MIT CDOIQ Symposium Proceedings

Proceedings are now available for purchase:
  • Cost: $250
  • Purchase proceedings here
MIT CDOIQ YouTube Channel
We have launched our MIT CDOIQ YouTube channel to serve as a knowledge center for all CDOIQ related videos, including recordings from the Symposium sessions, Country CDO Ambassador Videos, and other media profiles as they become available.

Be sure to subscribe to be notified of new content.
2021 Confirmed Sponsors
Titanium Sponsor
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
A Big Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors
Diamond: Deloitte, Informatica, Privacy Analytics
Platinum: Dawex, Fusion Alliance, KPMG, Sandhill Consultants, Tamr
Gold: Alation, AlyData, BigID, Boomi, Caserta, Citizant, Data Kitchen, Gavroshe, Okera, PiLog, Qlik, ThoughtSpot
Silver: Eckerson Group, Global IDs, Snowflake, Starburst