15th Annual MIT CDOIQ Symposium Agenda
We are thrilled to share with you the preliminary agenda for this year's Symposium! This year we have a truly outstanding line-up of speakers and panelists ready to present, discuss, and share their insights in and around this year's theme of delivering mature data & analytics capabilities for ROI.
Featured Speakers:
Mise en place
Cathy Doss, CDO
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, USA
Mise en place, a French culinary phrase which translates to "everything in its place", enables the best chefs to do their jobs by having everything in the right place and prepared when they need it. Data Management plays the same role in enabling data analysts and data scientists. The focus of this presentation will be a practical, business oriented approach to data management. Session 3A, 11:50am-12:50pm, July 20
Mercado Libre: Developing a Data Driven Culture Adrian Quilis, Sr. Director of Business Intelligence, Mercado Libre, Argentina
We have seen strong benefits but also significant social harms due to the impact the use of modern technology has on our private lives. The ability to surveil all aspects of our lives online (and increasingly offline) has led to sweeping changes to laws designed to protect our data and privacy, across the world. Despite the changing legal regime, technologists constantly seek to use more and more data to predict, target and analyze our behavior. But perhaps the answer to these risks can also be met by the same technologies which are causing them - through the use of modern machine learning solutions such as generative adversarial networks (GANs). Session 12E, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, July 21, 2021
CDO-1: Foundations for Chief Data Officers Certificate Program
Virtually on September 28 - 29, 2021

Chief Data Officer's (CDO) role has rapidly emerged and is continuously evolving. This course examines the role of CDO as well as the concepts, models, techniques, and solution approaches across complex, interconnected systems that are at the core of CDO’s ability to uncover data-centric insights and solutions. More than ever data is a primary input to creating enterprise value and data are rarely used in its raw form. CDOs and data leaders often lead organizational efforts to prepare data for use by data consumers. Register for the CDO-1 Certificate Program, and you will receive a pass to the July CDOIQ Symposium! POC: cdoiq@mit.edu
The University of Arkansas at Little Rock currently offers an online 12-hour (4 graduate courses) Information Quality (IQ) Graduate Certificate. Dr. John Talburt, Professor of Information Science and Acxiom Chair of Information Quality at UA Little Rock, is working with Graduate School to qualify the CDO-1 Certificate Program as part of the University's "Prior Learning Credit" (PLC) Program. Under the proposed PLC Program, students otherwise eligible for admission to the IQ Graduate Certificate program could count the completion of the CDO-1 Attendance and Project Certificates together with professional experience as 3 hours of graduate credit toward the IQ Graduate Certificate. Students earning the PLC credit for CDO-1 would only need 9 additional hours (3 online courses) to earn the IQ Graduate Certificate. See below for more information.
Upgrade Your Professional Credential with a
Graduate Degree in Information Quality
The pandemic has brought many changes to our personal and professional lives. Perhaps the most surprising is the realization that many of us can work from home as effectively as working in the office. Well, the same can be said for graduate studies as well. Not ready for a master’s degree? Start with a 12-hour graduate IQ certificate program!

The great things about these certificates at The University of Arkansas at Little Rock are that they do not require GRE for admission, the courses required to complete each certificate will count toward the Master of Science in Information Quality (MSIQ). They are inexpensive, online, and only US$383 per credit hour.
Making the business case for a chief data officer
By: Beth Stackpole
February 8, 2021

The right CDO can help firms reap the benefits of data-informed decision-making. Here’s what your data chief should do for your organization. Companies are doing more than paying lip service to data-driven decision-making these days; many have added a chief data officer to their already crowded executive ranks. But the question remains whether this once obscure position can deliver enough business value to justify its existence.
Sponsor Spotlight: Fusion Alliance
Fusion Alliance, a Digital Transformation Solution Provider, has been a proud sponsor of MITCDOIQ Symposium since 2014. Symposium is the flagship in our community building and outreach efforts for several reasons:
  1. The collaborative knowledge sharing is exceptional. You get to experience a confluence of leading thinkers on data and analytics from private, public, and academic sectors, sharing transformative ideas that fuel creative thought and innovation.
  2. The non-commercial nature of symposium fosters open knowledge exchange, uninhibited by aspects of other vendor-feeding conferences.
As a result, the value far surpasses the cost of sponsorship. Thank you Dr. Wang and MIT for sponsoring such a globally significant program! 
2021 Confirmed Sponsors
MIT CDOIQ Program Consortium Member
Diamond Sponsors
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
A Big Thanks to our 2020 Sponsors
Diamond: Deloitte, Informatica, Privacy Analytics
Platinum: Dawex, Fusion Alliance, KPMG, Sandhill Consultants, Tamr
Gold: Alation, AlyData, BigID, Boomi, Caserta, Citizant, Data Kitchen, Gavroshe, Okera, PiLog, Qlik, ThoughtSpot
Silver: Eckerson Group, Global IDs, Snowflake, Starburst