Monthly Update - March 2023
“It always seems impossible until it's done.”--Nelson Mandela 
Hello students, parents and friends of the Mile High Flight program,

As we round the corner towards our final events of the year, we take stock of who we are and the mission of MHF: “To introduce minority and other motivated youth, to the unlimited possibilities available to them in technical career fields". The Mile High Flight program is sponsored by the (Denver) Hubert L. “Hooks” Jones Chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen, and we proudly share the history of these WWII heroes as well. Beyond our focus on aviation, aerospace and STEM, we help each student recognize that through hard work and a good “flight plan”, nothing is beyond their reach!”

We’ve held firm to that mission statement, as we guide and continue to mentor current and former MHF students, not just towards professions in aviation and aerospace, but to many other careers in business, management and medicine as well. We’ll be sharing those brief but exciting updates below from some of our MHF graduates.

Our February 4th tour of the University of Colorado’s Aerospace Engineering Department was attended by over 90 people! This continues to be one of our most popular events. We learned about amazing cutting-edge research in orbital mechanics and hypersonics from Dr. Hisham Ali and department chair Dr. Hanspeter Schaub. Students got to build and launch small rockets made from film cannisters. The professors also held a Q&A session for parents. Several former MHF and CU graduates participated. We are tremendously proud of their success, and we know the future is equally bright for our current group!

We will feature our tour of MSU Denver's Aviation Department in our April edition. Meanwhile, our next event will be our first ever tour of the United Airlines Maintenance Facility at DIA on April 8th.

The MHF “Crew
Honoring the Past & Inspiring the Future
'Accelerating the Legacy 2023'

More than 600 Total Force Airmen, U.S. Air Force Academy cadets, and Air Force ROTC cadets gathered for a three-day Black History Month aviation heritage event Feb. 16-18, 2023.

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Young Commercial Airline Pilot Jonathan Strickland makes History

Jonathan Strickland is in the Guiness Book of World Records and the Smithsonian for his accomplishments in aviation as a child pilot. This is an exclusive in-depth interview with 19 year old World Record Holding Aviator Jonathan Strickland. First Officer Jonathan Strickland has become one of the youngest commercial airline pilots and now has his sights on blazing the trail towards becoming the youngest aviator to fly around the World in a Bombardier Learjet!!!
On the Move!
Jamar Harrison

On March 4th, former MHF studnet Jamar Harrison spoke at the African American Youth Leadership Conference (AAYLC) at Colorado College in Colorado Springs. As a Delta Airlines executive, Jamar's remarks were especially poignant and resonant with his audience. Nicole Frazier, AAYLC Board President and MHF Coordinator, praised Jamar's commitment to giving back to the community and success in aviation.

Jamar, never forgetting his roots, paid tribute to the Tuskegee Airmen and the MHF... "Hello, MHF "Crew!" I'm at the AAYLC conference, preparing to give a speech about aviation and leadership! The Mile High Flight Program and the Tuskegee Airmen are prominent in my presentation - hoping to make you all proud! "I hope to catch up with you soon!"
Hans Anderson

MHF graduate, Hans Anderson, was only 16 years old when he entered MIT. He graduated from MIT in 2008 with a degree in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science. He went on to complete his master’s and earned a PHD as well. In his most recent update, we learned that Hans finished his medical internship in Denver and started his residency in Wisconsin. We’re proud of you Hans!
Kamia Bradley

A role model for us all, Kamia Bradley steps confidently into her bright future. She writes, ”Finished ATP/CTP course (pre-req to the written) and passed with 100% on my ATP written!!! Indoc at SkyWest starts Monday in SLC!”
Mychol Alexander

MHF grad Mychol Alexander recently reported that he completed his initial training with FedEx and soon begins the final step in the qualification process. “Hello MHF Crew! I just wanted to let you know I just finished my LOE and have type rating in hand for the MD-11! I start IOE (Initial Operating Experience) next Saturday. First leg MEM to YYZ.” Our very own FedEx MD-11 Captain John Frazier will be keeping a close eye on Mychol’s progress and will hopefully have a chance to fly with him soon.
Hubert "Hooks" Jones Chapter Scholarship
Attention High School Seniors! Are you looking for ways to help fund your college education? There is a fantastic opportunity waiting for you! The Tuskegee Airmen organization provides local scholarships. The application deadline is April 14th. Click the gray button below to learn more!
Make a Charitable Donation to the MHFP - Click Here
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