MHFP Quarterly Update - July 2023
“Make up your mind that no matter what comes your way, no matter how difficult, no matter how unfair, you will do more than simply survive. You will thrive in spite of it.” - Joel Osteen
Hello students, parents and friends of the Mile High Flight program,

We’re thrilled to share some of the details about our very busy Spring and early Summer months. 
United Airlines Aircraft Maintenance Facility - In April, we added a new tour to the lineup. We visited the United Airlines world-class aircraft maintenance facility at Denver’s International Airport. We were hosted by some of UAL’s finest mechanics, who gave us a behind the scenes look at what it takes to keep some of the most advanced commercial aircraft safely in the air. We were joined by representatives from the Spartan College of Aeronautics and Technology, who gave our students firsthand insights into how to become aircraft mechanics. Also on hand were first responders from DIA’s dedicated fire department and team members from the Center of Equity and Excellence in Aviation, sharing information about career opportunities at DIA.  
Powered Flights@Centennial Airport - On May13, we had a near perfect day for flying to receive orientation flights at Centennial Airport. MHF Crewmember Willy Martinez and his team put together a great program to efficiently move students in and out of their respective aircraft, ensuring that everyone had a wonderful experience.
New Sponsor - Hyundai USA - The MHF “Crew” had been communicating for months with representatives from Hyundai and were successful in securing a $10,000 contribution. We were then able to coordinate their visit to Denver to present the check in person. Hubert L. “Hooks” Jones President, Gabrielle Martin, John Frazier, Eric Mosley, Darryl Searuggs, and some of the MHF students were there to receive the check on behalf of the chapter.
Owl Canyon Glider Flights - Our signature event, the Owl Canyon Glider Orientation Flight, presented a host of challenges this year. Though our group was larger than any previous year, the Owl Canyon team found a way to make this event the best ever. Because of the size of our group, we needed to split our flying over two days. Unfortunately, the weather didn’t cooperate, and we had to postpone our June 3 event. Though we were able to reschedule for the next weekend, we still had a handful of students who we’ll attempt to get into the air sometime his Summer.

As always, we are grateful to the Owl Canyon family for their support of Mile High Flight. An anonymous Owl Canyon donor again contributed generously to our program. The direct and profound difference these gifts make simply can’t be overstated and we continue to be eternally grateful to Owl Canyon and its members. 
MHF Phase 2 - We’re proud to announce the selection of two superstars for this year’s Phase 2 Solo Flight program. Roman Wilkerson and Alexander Buchanan distinguished themselves with hard work, perseverance and a “Never Quit” attitude. Both started their rigorous training on 6 June and are scheduled to finish within 8 – 10 weeks. Alexander and Roman received Private Pilot Flight Kits, donated by Jeppesen. These kits will provide a valuable resource for our future pilots, as the take their places in the ranks of tomorrow’s aviators. Our thanks to Captain John Frazier who coordinated with Jeppesen to make this donation possible.  

Roman, Alexander and former MHF Phase 2 Solo student Brielle Rodriguez also received iPads, courtesy of United Airlines. These iPads are powerful tools for them to use on their aviation journeys. 
Motivational and inspirational quote - Don t limit your challenges_ challenge your limits. With vintage styled background.
Honoring the Past & Inspiring the Future
One of the last Tuskegee Airmen, Homer Hogues, dies...

Homer Hogues, a native Texan who was one of the last living Tuskegee Airmen, died Tuesday in Dallas. He was 96.

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The T-7A Red Hawk Jet Trainer Has Taken Its First Flight

The first flight of Boeing's T-7A is a major milestone that comes after significant delays with the program.

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On the Move
Marrisa Coney

Former MHF Phase 2 Solo Flight student Marrisa Coney just reported that she’s making great progress in Colorado Northwestern Community College’s flight program. She writes:

Hey MHF “Crew”!! I just passed my ground portion of my instrument ride on the 31st and had to discontinue due to weather. I'm actually in Iceland right now so when I get back, I'll be doing a review flight then doing the flight portion!! 

Keep up the great work Marrisa. There will be setbacks, but nothing can stop you from reaching your goals.
Mahad Fahieh

Another MHF solo flight superstar shared some wonderful news. Mahad writes:

“Hello MHF “Crew’,

I hope you’re all doing well! 
I wanted to give you some really good news. I just found out that I got selected for Major! I should be pinning on next year at some point. I’ll keep you updated on the details for the promotion ceremony and celebrations surrounding that. I also just graduated with my MBA on 13 May! I’m still working on my MS in Finance, which I should be done with in a few years. 

Thanks for all of the support you have given me. I really appreciate it! Again, I hope you and your families are doing well and that things are going well with the Mile High Flight Program. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

(Major Select) Mahad Fahieh, USAF”
Kamia Bradley

And finally, perennial MHF top performer Kamia Bradley has reached the next step of an adventure that started with the Mile High Flight Program in 2015. Kamia proudly writes:


No limits, Kamia. The world belongs to you!
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