Upcoming Meetings
Special Board Meeting: The Board will hold a Special Meeting at 6 pm on Thursday, September 5. At the Special Board Meeting held on August 22, 2024, Kristin Sobocinski, Assistant Superintendent of Business Services, Operations, and Human Resources, presented the revised budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. The revised budget was brought forward for discussion to provide an updated overview of the district's estimated revenues and expenditures, ensuring alignment with the current financial projections and priorities.
The board will be asked to take action on the budget, which will be presented again at the Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing on September 9, 2024. The goal is to bring a balanced budget and set the tax levy at the Board of Education meeting on October 30, 2024.
Materials for the meeting are available on BoardDocs. This meeting will be held at the Monona Grove District Office (5301 Monona Drive) and will be both streamed live and archived for later viewing on the Monona Community Media YouTube page.
Annual Meeting & Budget Hearing: The Monona Grove Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing will be held on Monday, September 9. All Wisconsin school districts are required to hold an annual meeting and a budget hearing. This is a meeting of the electors, not the School Board. Participants (electors) must be citizens of the United States, at least 18 years old, and a resident within the Monona Grove School District for at least 28 consecutive days before voting.
Wisconsin state statute outlines the powers of the annual meeting, which include setting the tax levy. Materials for the Annual Meeting and Budget Hearing will be available on BoardDocs or in the District Office in advance of the meeting. This meeting will be held at the Monona Grove District Office (5301 Monona Drive) and will be both streamed live and archived for later viewing on the Monona Community Media YouTube page.
Regular Board Meeting: The Board will hold a regular Board meeting at 7 pm on Wednesday, September 11. Materials for this meeting will be available on BoardDocs as the meeting date approaches.