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March 2024 | Adar II 5784

Over the past few months, our MERCAZ Olami team has been diligently busy organizing and participating in events that aim to promote our causes.


In this newsletter, we delve into the highlights of these efforts, from organizing a vibrant and informative global seminar that brought together minds from around the world; to strategically planning and executing a key day within a NAASE (North American Association of Synagogue Executive) mission to Israel; and ensuring of notable achievements at the WZO's Zionist General Council.


In the wake of Hamas’s attacks on Israel and the rise of antisemitism around the world, MERCAZ Olami hosted a transformative three-day seminar in Jerusalem. The event which gathered participants from all over the globe, including Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, France, Hungary, Peru, Russia, Sweden, UK, USA, and Israel, provided a platform for discussions and new perspectives on the challenges facing Zionism today.


Throughout the seminar, the group delved into critical topics such as the history and contemporary relevance of Israel's National Institutions, examining their evolving role in the aftermath of the October 7th war. Guided by experts, participants explored MERCAZ Olami's vital role as a representative of the global Masorti/Conservative movement within the Institutions.

With the upcoming Zionist Congress elections on the horizon, the participants gained valuable information about the electoral process and the importance of their active participation. Participants also took part in workshops to prepare for the upcoming elections and left with a deeper understanding of how to build a strategic campaign.


The program also featured cultural enrichment and immersive experiences, including a thought-provoking performance of "Heschel’s Passover Eve," an original production commissioned by the Jewish Peoplehood Department at the WZO; a visit to Anu Museum followed by a meeting with the hostages' family members and a moving prayer circle at Hostages Square led by the Masorti Movement in Israel.


Through rich dialogue and experiential learning, the seminar promoted deeper understanding and solidarity in facing the challenges confronting Zionism in the modern era.


The National Association of American Synagogue Executives (NAASE) organized a ten-day mission to Israel focused primarily on relief efforts and showing solidarity following the events of October 7th.

In collaboration with NAASE, the mission included an intensive day to MERCAZ Olami’s work as the representatives of the global Masorti/Conservative movement at the National Institutions, providing invaluable insight into the inner workings of Israel's National Institutions.

With a keen emphasis on engagement and empowerment, MERCAZ offered the 25 executive directors participating in the mission a comprehensive understanding of the National Institutions' significance and dynamic role within the Israeli landscape.


The participants also gained firsthand knowledge of how they can actively contribute to and support MERCAZ's mission as leaders within their respective communities. By facilitating this immersive experience, the organization aimed to foster a deeper sense of connection and commitment among participants toward advancing the vital work of MERCAZ Olami on a global scale.


Photo: Guy Sidi

WZO's Zionist General Council (Va'ad Hapoel), the supreme institution of the Zionist movement in the inter-Congress period, convened for a conference addressing the pressing challenges facing the Jewish community worldwide a year prior to the World Zionist Congress. Among the 180 participants, the Masorti/Conservative movement brought 12 delegates from Argentina, Canada, France, Israel, UK, and USA.


The event included a one-day conference themed “The Challenges of the Jewish People – Post-October 7th Global Leadership Meeting”, which highlighted the urgency and collective determination to address critical issues affecting the Jewish diaspora. 

At the forefront of the discussions were the proactive efforts of MERCAZ Olami, which submitted over 20 resolutions to the Va'ad Hapoel advocating for amendments to the WZO constitution and the adoption of declarative resolutions binding the National Institutions. The proposed resolutions promote equality for the LGBTQ community, strengthening the status of women and the principle of equality after the current war against Hamas, correcting all aspects of discrimination between streams within Judaism, and redress discrimination in the Nationality Law against the Druze sector and amendments to the WZO constitution. 

Through diligent coordination and dedication, the organization representatives successfully forged alliances with other liberal political organizations and unaffiliated Zionist organizations resulting in the passage of most of our proposed amendments. This collaborative triumph reflects the strength of MERCAZ Olami’s global coalition and reaffirms its commitment to shaping a more inclusive and resilient future for the Jewish people.

RABBI HAROLD KRAVITZ • USA | "It was a fascinating experience to attend my first meeting in person with the General Executive of the WZO the week of February 27. For good and for bad, this body operates like Israel’s Knesset. We were fortunate to form a liberal block, which allowed us to advance our agendas very successfully and to stop or modify the resolutions of other coalitions with whom we had differences. 

Our ability to significantly influence the WZO and Israel comes from the number of votes we can garner in years when there are elections. We can be grateful for the way our professional and volunteer leaders are already preparing for the next election, which is expected to take place in the first quarter of 2025. I hope all of those affiliated with our Conservative-Masorti Movement globally will do their part to make sure we are successful."

MARIANA IGUELKA • MAROM | "I spent 14 years at NOAM in Brazil learning about the differences in opinions about Judaism and Zionism, how the State of Israel should be like, about how, from the diaspora, we can influence in decisions for a more egalitarian and pluralistic Israel. 

Being part of the Va'ad Hapoel invited me to look at Judaism not only as a religion, culture, and tradition, but as an educational platform and opportunity for revolution. It was the culmination of so many years of debates and hypothetical discussions. I was one of the youngest representatives to sit at the committee tables and be able to make my voice heard. Young, woman, Masorti, Brazilian, Yerushalmit, educator, Jewish, and many other complex identities that accompanied me while I listened and expressed myself. I believe that there is an unmatched value of the Masorti movement in inviting someone like me to represent their ideas and be part of that collective struggle."

To learn more about the resolutions and the Va'ad Hapoel convention, we recommend reading the articles What do the ultra-Orthodox parties do when they encounter a brick wall? – Opinion and WZO's liberal bloc claims victory over extremists and evangelicals at annual confab published in The Jerusalem Post and Haaretz, two of Israel's largest newspapers.

MERCAZ OLAMI | Upholding Masorti/Conservative Zionist Values and Interests in Israel’s National Institutions
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