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February 15, 2021

Calling all the men in the parish and beyond!
See updates-

Watch a brief video from Fr Joseph on this first day of the 33 day Preparation for the Men's Consecration to St Joseph.

Yesterday, Feb 14, was the first of the men's group meetings with Fr Joseph ( 4 more Sunday nites @7:45pm on Zoom- See links below). Below is a screen shot of the meeting. For the men who are joining the actual retreat but did not get to watch the introduction during last night's meeting, please email Fr Joseph at for a copy of the recorded powerpoint presentation.

Below, watch a half minute video from Fr Calloway, welcoming and blessing all those starting the consecration preparation today.

The first of 5 meetings will start tomorrow, Sunday, Feb 14, 2021@7:45 PM

Link is the same for the 5 meetings:

Meeting ID: 852 6811 8974
Passcode: Joseph
One tap mobile
+19292056099, 85268118974# US
See below: for those who do not yet have the consecration book due to a delay in shipment, you can download the first 7 days of reading in next section.

Who can be a better teacher to men on how to become an authentic father and a true man than St Joseph himself?

More than ever, this world needs strong men to be role models for their families and communities.

It is surely by God's design that this year has been declared as the YEAR OF SAINT JOSEPH.

We just ended the first round of 33-day Preparation for Consecration to St Joseph ( Jan 1 to Feb 2) for the parish in general led by Fr Joseph. Our consecration took place during our Mass on Feb 7.

This recent 33-Day Preparation & Consecration was such an amazing encounter with Saint Joseph that Fr Joseph has decided to start this next round of the 33-day journey with Saint Joseph, but this time, "for men only."

While this is a home retreat (15- 20 minutes reading a day), the men will be meeting on Zoom with Fr Joseph for 5 Sunday nights for prayers & group sharing. This will be at 7:45 pm, after our parish Rosary.
The first Zoom meeting was last night.

Dates for the 5 Sunday night Zoom meetings with Fr Joseph @ 7:45pm
Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, Mar 7 & Mar 14

The actual day of Consecration to St Joseph will be on Friday, March 19, 2021, on the Solemnity of St Joseph, during our 8pm Mass.

You will need the guide book by Fr Don Calloway,
Consecration to St Joseph."

Order directly for the book ($15) or the e-book($9) from HERE . Or you can try Amazon but it is currently out of stock on Amazon.

It may take over a week to get your delivery.
In the meantime, you can download the E-book (online book),which you can immediately access on your phone or computer. You can use this as your material throughout the retreat or as a back up to the book. As mentioned earlier, this is also available on HERE .

Or you can get the book from St Antoninus office. We ordered a limited number- pls reserve a copy if you are interested.

For the sake those who have ordered the book and are experiencing delay in deliveries, here are the first 7 days of readings & 3 prayers. Click to download.

But please do no depend on these provisionary copies- but order your book or download the e-book as soon as possible. This is a small investment for a big treasure that you will surely love and keep. This book is often out of stock as it is in great demand. So order now or reserve a copy from the office!

Below is the schedule for each day and also videos from Fr Calloway to match each day of the preparation journey.
Here is our schedule with dates and the corresponding pages in the book ("Consecration to St Joseph" by Fr Donald Calloway.)
Start date: Feb 15 on self-retreat . End date: Mar 19.
Click on image to download.

on live-streamed videos.

Below are video links of Fr Don Calloway's reflections on each of the 33 days from a guided retreat led last May 2020.
This is a big help for our daily journey. Click by the day.
Welcome to Consecration to St. Joseph! You are about to begin a journey that will change your life.

By Fr Donald Calloway.

What does it mean to consecrate yourself to St. Joseph?
What does it mean for a person to be consecrated to St. Joseph? Well, it basically means that you acknowledge that he is your spiritual father, and you want to be like him. To show it, you entrust yourself entirely into his paternal care so that he can help you acquire his virtues and become holy. Read more:

Below: watch this recent ground-breaking video with Fr Calloway- "Hope in Unemployment, Model Husband & More"
Consecration to St. Joseph (Part 1) -

Below: The Truth About St. Joseph and Spiritual Warfare (Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC) and why we are doing the 33-Day Consecration to St Joseph.
THE YEAR OF ST JOSEPH was proclaimed by Pope Francis last Dec 8, 2020, on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Perfect timing!!!
Vatican News

Pope Francis on Tuesday announced a special year dedicated to St. Joseph starting from 8 December 2020 until 8 December 2021, on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as the Patron of the Universal Church, as well as the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady.

For the updated SCHEDULE of our Masses, ministries & events, click here
337 South Orange Ave, Newark NJ 07103 
Rev. Joseph A. Meagher (Pastor)