news of note

June 2015
Inaugural Professional Masters Networking Mixer 
Alum ni and current students came together to engage and network

Over 50 students, alumni and employers attended the Inaugural Spring Mixer on Thursday May 21st. This event was a networking opportunity held at the Willens Wing Atrium for MPD, MEM, MPM, MSiA, MSIT and MBP students, alumni and employers to meet and engage on-campus.  


Stay tuned for similar events during the 2015-2016 academic year. 

Navigant Sponsored Business Strategy Competition 
Navigant Economics sponsored the competition for NU graduate students and alumni

More than 30 people participated in the Navigant Business Strategy Competition with five multidisciplinary teams reaching the finals. There was representation from McCormick Engineering, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern Law, and the Segal Design Institute that presented their analysis on how to approach commercializing a new inhalable insulin drug.  Navigant Consulting partnered with the Master of Engineering Management program to expose students to real world scenarios and chose a topic which Navigant has a lot of experience in - IP valuation and commercialization in the Biotech domain. The total prize money for the competition was $3,000. 

Andy Hung-Yi Le (MD, Feinberg) and Sandeep Pawar (MEM, McCormick) were one of the winning teams and did a great valuation on the potential of the drug and also various options for the company. The other winner was the team comprised of Gitanjali Murthy (MEM,  McCormick), Liang Mu (MSL, Northwestern Law) and Michael Vu (MD, Feinberg). They did a great job in analyzing the market and did a detailed competitors analysis. 


We would like to congratulate and thank all of the participants!  Click here for more photos from the event.  

Professor Drebin Teaches Online Accounting Course
30 students participated in his class this Spring quarter
MEM conducted an interview with Professor Allan Drebin to discuss his online accounting course:
MEM:  What are the advantages to having an online accounting course in MEM?
Professor Drebin:  As most MEM students work full time and live in diverse areas, the online course enables them to save on transportation time. It also allows them to choose the day and time they want to study. Many of our students have work related travel commitments which interfere with rigid class times. With an online class they can take the class wherever they are located, as long as they have access to a computer. From a scheduling standpoint, we can also  accommodate student needs in complementary courses. For example, in finance classes there is a need to know about financial statements. In recent years, finance has been taught in Fall quarter and accounting in Spring so students do not learn about accounting when they need it. Next year, we will offer an online section of accounting in Fall quarter for students who want to take it in time to be useful in finance.
MEM: What tools or resources have you utilized to transition the course to an online model?
Professor Drebin: We have recorded the lectures so that students have access anywhere. Rather than extensive lectures, we have broken up topics into smaller bites, most about 10 minutes in length. Students can study as they have time, I suspect this may be between periods of hockey games! We now use a supplement to the text that permits students to submit homework online and have it graded immediately. This gives prompt feedback so students can review areas that they did not understand. We also use a "discussion board" that allows students to ask questions about topics they have difficulty with. Often, another student responds before I have a chance to answer. 
MEM: What would you change about the course as you move forward?
Professor Drebin: The online homework system is not as flexible as a human accountant. Sometimes students have difficulties when they submit alternative correct answers which the computer failed to recognize as correct. Of course, I am always available to straighten out these conflicts. And the immediate feedback is a great benefit to the students, outweighing the inconvenience of occasional errors. And I must admit, even I sometimes make mistakes. I remember the last one, it was 27 years ago! Eventually, I see online instruction being offered in "modules" rather than 10 week courses. Students may then be able to learn about financial statements before taking the finance course but study managerial accounting as needed for an operations course. 
MEM: What is your favorite part about the online accounting course?
Professor Drebin: This year we offer both the online course and an on-campus section. In Fall, with only the online section I may be able to teach in my pajamas! Actually, I have been teaching an online class for another NU department. I find it provides flexibility for the instructor as well as the students. I can be somewhere warm in Winter quarter and still teach the class!
MEM thanks Professor Drebin as we explore the possibilities of online courses and for his continued efforts with our program!
In This Issue
MEMorable Notes
MEM Student Spotlight

Katherine Fath
Katherine is a 30-year-old current student from Yonkers, New York. She graduated from Vanderbilt University with a Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering. She is currently a project manager at Exp Federal. Her favorite class is Finance because of the real world examples used and the case studies. Although Katherine is new to the program, she said her favorite part about the MEM program is, " I have really enjoyed meeting and working with students of all different engineering backgrounds. It is interesting and informative to hear the variety of ideas and solutions presented in class and while working on assignments." 

Evanston Information Session

"Refer a friend" to our MEM Information Session on July 15thThe MEM program holds regular information sessions for the sole purpose of educating candidates with the vital information they will need in the event they want to pursue an MEM degree.
Click here for more information.
Fall Part-Time Deadline 
Mark your calendars, August 15th is the deadline for Fall 2015 part-time applications.
Click here to apply.
Save the Date - MEM Tailgate 


Save the date for our Fall Alumni Tailgate on September 12, 2015!  More details to come.