2017 MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition Kicks Off
Now in its 5th Year, Two Northwestern Teams will Compete
Student teams from participating institutions of the Master of Engineering Management Program Consortium (MEMPC) including Cornell, Dartmouth, Duke, Northwestern, Purdue, and USC are gearing up for the 5th annual MEMPC PriSim Business War Games Competition. During the web-based simulation competition, participants will run a domestic automobile company, making decisions as a team, and competing against the other participating MEMPC schools. The simulation will run over multiple iterations, replicating a multi-year span of time.
Teams "compete in a head-to-head battle for market share and profit. Along the way, the students participating will improve their business acumen and their strategy, finance, and leadership skills," says David Semb, a partner at PriSim Business War Games Inc. and an adjunct professor for the MEM program at Northwestern. The competition is an opportunity to practice business decision-making and to broaden networks no matter who wins or loses. "Business simulations are one of the best ways out there to learn about business and finance. PriSim is proud to be part of the MEMPC competition for the 5th year."
The competition will be held January 30th through March 2nd and winners will receive a Nexus tablet. We also invite you to learn more about PriSim Business War Games important role in supporting this competition.
SAB Second Fridays in February
The Student Advisory Board Plans a Trip to the Museum of Science & Industry
Students and alums had a great time connecting at the January Second Fridays event at Old Town Social and looking forward to another great event in February! Join SAB, current students, and alums at the Museum of Science and Industry for February's event on Saturday the 11th! We'll be exploring the museum including one of the special exhibits currently running. If interested, please RSVP by February 6th.
Please contact Tai Olson with any additional event questions.
Northwestern's 2016 Year in Review
Video Highlights Northwestern's Amazing Accomplishments
2016 was an amazing year for Northwestern University - from new campus spaces to faculty earning Nobel Prizes. Together we will have a great 2017, which is already off to a fantastic start as
McCormick's Dean Julio Ottino was awarded the Gordon Prize, the top national academy prize for innovative education, for his work developing and implementing Whole-Brain Engineering.
MEM & IEMS Student Networking Event a Success
Graduate and Undergraduate Students Come Together
The MEM Student Advisory Board and Professor Gail Berger hosted a successful networking and mentorship event with undergraduates studying Industrial Engineering & Management Sciences. Over 25 MEM & IEMS students attended. MEM students shared their personal experiences and the opportunities that have become available thanks to their MEM degree. We hope to begin offering this experience quarterly!
Reminder - Save the Date! MEM Industry Night 2017
Annual Networking Dinner Scheduled for Thursday, March 16
Mark your calendars for the 4th annual
MEM Industry Night on Thursday March 16, 2017! President and CEO of
Shure, Inc, Christine Schyvinck, will talk about how her MEM degree (Alumna '00) has impacted her career. Shure is the world's leading manufacturer of microphones and audio electronics, and has been named one of Chicago's top 10 most innovative companies in 2016 by
Crain's Chicago Business.
This event will provide the opportunity to network with students, alumni, and industry guests. Look for a formal invitation in early February!
MEM Student and Alumni Spotlight
Monthly feature recognizing our current students and alumni
Tai Olson is a current MEM student originally from Asheville, NC. He earned his Civil Engineering degree at UVA and now serves as Director of Operations at US Heritage Group. When he is not working or studying, Tai loves to read and eat ramen at Wasabi. He can also free-dive 60 feet! Tai credits MEM with increasing his perspective in his work telling us, "MEM has given me the macro perspective of my company, whereas my engineering background made me focus on the micro perspective." He also credits his professional work with expanding his knowledge, allowing him to share more with his peers.
Tai Olson,
US Heritage Group
MEM Student
Vinay Lagisetty, CA Technologies MEM Alumnus |
Vinay Lagisetty (MEM '11) has a diverse set of interests that include racquetball, cooking Indian-Italian fusion food, and enjoying Spanish tapas at Café Ba-Ba-ReeBa in Chicago. As he also likes to stay up to date on the latest tech news, it's no surprise that his favorite company is Tesla. Vinay is a fan of how they combine innovation and the commercialization of green technology to challenge norms.
Vinay decided to pursue the MEM degree after selling his startup in an effort to "gain exposure into the management of technology companies. MEM offered a right balance of management courses in technology." Now a director at CA Technologies, a business management software firm, he talked to us about his experience at Northwestern.
Upcoming Info Sessions
Downtown Chicago:
222 Merchandise Mart Plaza
Suite 1230
Chicago, IL 60654
February 21, 2017
5:30-7:00 PM
Prospective students can register by visiting the
MEM website
. Thank you for your referrals!