The committees are deep in the weeds of the work- Join us!
Interested participants that signed up for a committee have receive an email with meeting details and will start the important work on behalf of the Initiative.
Workforce Development Committee (WDC)
The WDC is finalizing the proposal for CHW certification. Please join in on one of our listening sessions to provide your feedback.
Policy/Advocacy Committee (PAC)
The PAC is working on an action plan to advance its strategic objectives. During June, members began to map potential advocacy partners. The PAC plans to hold a listening session for CHWs at the Office of Population Health Equity Conference on July 24 to learn more about workforce priorities which will inform the Committee’s future advocacy efforts.
Outreach/Communications Committee (OCC)
The OCC Committee is work on adding a social media page as well as developing a few videos highlighting the CHW workforce.
If you are interested in joining a committee, email Bridgette Gemelli, Capacity Building Coordinator at