Hello MECE Families!
I hope everyone is enjoying the summer! My name is Kelly Koscso and I am excited to lead the MECE Parent Association as president for the second year!! The Parent Association includes all MECE parents and plans fun events for our children and families!! Some examples are our trunk or treat, auction, family fun day, movie night, fun run and so much more. These events make MECE so special and provide great
memories for our families!! We have monthly meetings that are a fun and relaxed environment to plan events and meet other parents. If you have any interest in helping with events or if you want to join us for some morning coffee and say hello, feel free to come join us!!! Everyone is part of the Parent Association and everyone is always welcome!! Look out for meetings dates in the newsletters.
We are looking for a vice-president for this current year that would like to take over as president in 2024-2025. Please reach out to meceparents@gmail.com if interested!! All are welcome to this position, so please do not hesitate even if you are new to MECE or returning. It is a great way to get meet faculty and families while enjoying moments
occasionally seeing your child in the school environment. We are still looking for parent chairs to plan some of our events. We kindly ask
everyone to take their turn with one event if possible to lighten the load for all of us. Please click here and sign up if you’d like to help!!
Hoping the rest of your summer is wonderful!! Look out for important dates to save in our August newsletter. Looking forward to seeing you all in August!