Volume 6, May 2023
Maine SUD Learning Community Newsletter
 Maple Hill Farm Inn and Conference Center | June 14, 2023 | 8:00AM- 4:00PM

The addition of fentanyl to the nation’s drug supply has dramatically escalated overdose deaths and required providers to urgently “step up” our collective efforts to treat SUD & OUD – requiring compassion, commitment, and innovation. This conference provides prescribers and their multi-professional teams the opportunity to hear from national speakers and their colleagues and explore innovative strategies to advance our treatment efforts. Join us to hear advances on the latest in practices to initiate buprenorphine and its new formulations, create contingency management programs to address stimulant use, implement peer services, partner with corrections, and more. Join your colleagues to explore how we can together step it up – it’s about saving lives.

  • This activity includes topics recommended by the DEA and SAMHSA to satisfy 2023 MATE Act requirements.
For more information and to register for this event,
please visit the ME SUD Learning Community event page.


Substance Use Disorder Journal Club

Spring greetings to all,

Some of you remember the days when precipitated withdrawal (PW) felt mostly theoretical. It was before fentanyl suffused the drug supply. At that time, it generally occurred with methadone to buprenorphine transitions or when the advice to wait for moderate withdrawal was not properly heeded. In the last several years, on-the-ground providers are hearing and seeing more about buprenorphine inductions leading to precipitated withdrawal. This large study reports a remarkably low incidence of precipitated withdrawal and cites it as similar to the pre-fentanyl era. This is perhaps reassuring but also made me wonder –did anxiety bend my risk perception of PW, or is the risk actually this low in my patient population?

Hope you enjoy this little search for illumination,
How do I meet the new 8 hours of training on opioid or other SUDs requirements under the Medication Access and Training Expansion (MATE) Act for new or renewing DEA registrants, which will become effective with your next DEA renewal after June 27, 2023?

What is the review process the Prescription Monitoring Program has developed and how can the ME SUD Learning Community help?

A: Please see the overview of PMP Referral Process For Prescribers and contact the ME SUD Learning Community for help with education or technical assistance.
For these questions and technical assistance, contact the ME SUD Learning Community

Check our search function to find resources across the ME SUD Learning Community website.

May 10, 2023 | 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Speakers: Nicole Kosanke, PhD

May 31, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Speakers: Amelia Hersey, PA-C

June 7, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Speakers: Kinna Thakarark,DO, MPH

June 20, 2023 | 12:00 - 1:00 PM

Speakers: Stephanie Nichols, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP
May 9, 2023, 11am-12:15pm PDT/2-3:15pm EDT
The Center for Innovation in Academic Detailing on Opioids (CIAO) is continuing­­­­ its quarterly webinar series on topics related to opioid prescribing, opioid stewardship, managing opioid use disorder, and academic detailing on those topics. This webinar will focus on patients prescribed long-term opioids who are abandoned when a clinic shuts down, or when a clinician relocates or loses their license to practice. The webinar will begin with a real case about the morbidity, mortality, and challenges faced by patients in this situation, and explore resources available to clinicians who are hesitant to take on either inherited or abandoned patients. A mock detailing session will also illustrate how to talk with clinicians about both the perils of abandoning patients on opioids and some best practices in initiating care for an abandoned patient. CIAO staff hopes to see you there!
CIAO, located in the San Francisco Department of Public Health, develops materials for academic detailing on opioid management and collaborates with partners in training and supporting detailing initiatives. CIAO has been serving California since 2016 with CDC funding, and recently expanded to provide services nationally. Learn more about CIAO at www.ciaosf.org or contact us at ciao.sf@sfdph.org 
Personal Recovery Story

Rochelle Grant-Kenney

By Jamie Lovley

Rochelle Grant-Kenney lives in Hope, Maine with her daughter Kristina Lee and grandson Sander James. When she isn’t spending time with her grandson, she is serving as a community consultant for local task forces focused on substance use prevention and recovery. For Rochelle, family is what keeps her strong in her recovery, and the little boy that lovingly calls her “Mimi” is a daily reminder of all she’s gained back since becoming sober in 2009.

Growing up, Rochelle first witnessed addiction at home. At age 13 Rochelle started smoking cannabis and at 15 she began to drink.

Please visit the ME SUD Learning Community website for upcoming Events and Resources.