Monday July 15 7 PM EDT

MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy

Can Psychedelics Heal the Emotional Damage of PTSD?

Meet Eric Vermetten, MD, PhD,

Prof. Psych. Leiden Univ, Netherland, a global lecturer on topics related to PTSD, trauma, resilience, neuroscience, psychedelics, veteran issues, and innovative therapy approaches for PTSD utilizing MDMA, He focuses on the need for innovations in treatment for PTSD.

The scientific community is highly interested in psychedelics based on promising results in treatment of many psychiatric disorders. They have dramatically improved quality of life, reduced existential distress and depression and seem to have an acute and potentially long-lasting impact on an individual's sense of identity. MDMA is a lab-made (synthetic) drug considered to be a psychedelic drug commonly taken as an illicit drug. Researchers are studying its use in therapeutic settings as a potential treatment for severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

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Workshops are based on Valerie Porr's

Overcoming Borderline Personality Disorder

A compassionate and informative guide to understanding this profoundly unsettling and misunderstood mental illness, affecting 6% of the general population. Porr cites cutting-edge science showing BPD to be a true neurobiological disorder and not a character flaw or result of bad parenting. Porr clearly and accessibly explains what BPD is, which therapies have proven effective, and how to rise above the stigma associated with BPD.

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The TARA Workshop Fee is not just a FEE! - it's a tax deductible contribution to TARA4BPD, a 501c3 non-profit organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of those living with BPD.

Your contribution enables us to identify and promote new, effective treatments, disseminate the latest research findings, and empower families to become compassionate, therapeutic partners.

With your support, we can decrease stigma and improve the lives of people living with BPD and their loved ones. Join us in making a difference!

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