January 2014 - Issue 25
MD Packaging        

Happy New Year!  MD Packaging had a fabulous 2013, growing our business significantly year over year - thanks to all of our customers for your continued support.  2014 has started off with a bang with lots of projects on the go!  We are the industry leaders in Product Inspection and Packaging Automation.  We will continue to focus on these niches with lines such as Mettler-Toledo Hi-Speed, Mettler-Toledo Safeline, FT System, JLS Automation and Flexicell. 


Our X-ray business was invigorated in 2013 with tremendous growth and success through Mettler-Toledo Safeline X-Ray.  We are the exclusive channel in Canada for Safeline X-Ray and our factory trained service technicians have more x-ray technical experience in the field than any other group in Canada.  


We have also seen rising interest in our robotic automation business both in primary picking applications and secondary ones as well.  The use of robotics have become a widely accepted format for automation over the past decade in the food and pharmaceutical industries and MD Packaging is becoming widely recognized as the vendor of choice for many of the industry's leading manufacturers looking to automate their process.


We are excited to release our new company brochure.  Click here to download your copy.  We hope it clearly identifies who MD Packaging is and why we are the leaders in Product Inspection and Packaging Automation.


We continue to appreciate all of your loyalty over the years and welcome the opportunity to meet in person to discuss new programs at MD Packaging and to update you on our continued focus for better customer service and support. 



Please do not hesitate to contact us if you would like more information on any of the above equipment.  We would be happy to review your specific application!

Celebrating 25 Years in  Business!

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