MCEDC Quarterly Digest, June 2017
The Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities (MCEDC) combines classroom work, research and development, and real world, on-the-ground experience to train engineers to work in partnership with organizations in developing communities worldwide. Our goal is to create sustainable and appropriate solutions to meet people's basic needs.  Learn more about the center on our website,
Congratulations to Spring Grads!

Congratulations to our students who earned their Graduate Certificate in Engineering for Developing Communities along with their MS and PhD degrees! 
Bryan Bei, MS, Civil Engineering 
Melanie Broman, MS Civil Engineering 
Rebekah Daniel, MS, Environmental Engineering 
Diane Kim, MS, Civil Engineering (shown with her family in photo above)
Diego Sanchez, MS, Civil Engineering 
Kathleen Stetina, BS Environmental Engineering and MS, Civil Engineering
Welcome Dr. Carlo Salvinelli

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Carlo Salvinelli will join us as our new instructor, beginning in August 2017. Carlo has been a researcher in the Material Research Center at the Missouri Institute of Science and Technology since completing his PhD there in Geological Engineering (2016) .  Prior to enrolling at Missouri S&T, Carlo worked as a Project Manager for development projects in Guatemala and Honduras. In addition to his PhD, he holds a BS in Industrial Engineering and an MS in Engineering Management and is fluent in Italian, English, and Spanish. Welcome Carlo!!
Another Major Fellowship for Shaye Palagi!

In addition to her NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, Shaye has won the 2017 USAID/OFDA Graduate Student Fellowship in Humanitarian Shelter and Settlements for Permanent Relocation and Implications for Humanitarians. The award will help fund her travel, local translation & support her research in ways that aren't covered by the NSF GRF. In addition, this will help make her findings well known amongst the Humanitarian Shelter working groups! Congratulations Shaye! (This makes two years in a row that Dr. Javernick-Will's PhD students have won this prestigious international award.)
New Course Available in Fall 2017:   

We are pleased to announce that our newly hired instructor, Dr. Carlo Salvinelli, will be offering Humanitarian Response and Disaster Management next fall.  The course will be a section of CVEN 4837/5837 Special Topics (for undergraduates and graduate students, respectively), and we are currently working with the Registrar's Office to finalize details. Contact Robyn Sandekian if you'd like more information about the course.

Course Title:  CVEN 4/5837 Special topics  Humanitarian Response and Disaster Management
Days/Time:    Tues/Thurs 12:30 - 1:45 pm.

Bernard Amadei Awarded Another Honorary Doctorate

The Israeli Institute of Technology, known as the Technion, awarded Mortenson Center co-Director Dr. Amadei an honorary Doctorate Degree this June, which marks his sixth such honor.  Check out the YouTube Video.
Karl Linden Leads Successful Study Abroad Course in Chile

In collaboration with EDC alumni and Universidad Diego Portales faculty member Jeff Walters, Mortenson Center co-Director  Dr. Karl Linden led a course on Sustainable Potable Water Supply Systems in Santiago, Chile in May 2017 .  Nine students enrolled in the three-week long course that engaged students in classroom lectures, research data collection, and cultural field trips.  This course represented the first activity of the latest academic collaboration between the Mortenson Center and partnering institutions worldwide.
MCEDC Students at the InterAction's Stakeholders Conference

Mortenson Center PhD students Aaron Opdyke and Shaye Palagi represented CU Boulder at the Shelter and Settlements Conference hosted by InterAction in Washington, DC in June 2017.  This conference brought together humanitarian shelter stakeholders to discuss how to make the settlements approach a reality in practice, build consensus, and produce an action-oriented plan. Opdyke presented an overview of the future research agenda required for the settlements approach and discussed changes required in humanitarian institutional financing. Palagi brought forward lessons to the group from her research in the Philippines on post-disaster relocation and holistic risk reduction.
David explains systems.
MCEDC Presentation at the UN STI Forum 2017

For the second year in a row, students from the Mortenson Center represented the program at the United Nations' Multi-stakeholder Forum on Science, Technology and Innovation for the Sustainable Development Goals (STI Forum).  This year, PhD students Nick Valcourt and David Zelinka presented on  Embracing Complexity:  Innovative Systems Science-based Tools for Guiding Sustainable Development Policy .
SPHERE Handbook Revision Workshop

September 12, 2017 4:00pm to 6:00pm
@ the Posner Center in  Denver, Colorado

The Sphere Handbook is one of the most widely known and internationally recognized sets of common principles and universal minimum standards in humanitarian response. This workshop, hosted by MCEDC, will provide a forum for humanitarian practitioners and academics to provide input for the 2018 revised Sphere Handbook and standards. You can also join via web conferencing.  Registration is open.

Recent/Upcoming Dissertations, Reports, and Journal Articles

Opdyke, A., Javernick-Will, A., Koschmann, K. (2017) "Typhoon Haiyan: Shelter Case Studies." Mortenson Center in Engineering for Developing Communities, University of Colorado Boulder. ( Link

Champion, Wyatt. Navajo home heating practices, their impacts on air quality and human health, and a framework to identify sustainable solutions, PhD dissertation, May 2017. 

Wyatt M. Champion, Lea Connors, & Lupita Montoya. 2017. Emission factors of fine particulate matter, organic and elemental carbon, carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide for four solid fuels commonly used in residential heating by the Navajo Nation. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, (online first edition 5/25/2017), DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2017.1334717 

Koschmann, M., Kopczynski, J., Opdyke, A., Javernick-Will, A. (2017). Constructing authority in disaster relief coordination. Electronic Journal of Communication, 27 (3&4).  Available online at:

Opdyke, A.Javernick-Will, A., Koschmann, M. (2017). Infrastructure hazard resilience trends: an analysis of 25 years of research. Natural Hazards, 87(2), 773-789.

Opdyke, Aaron. Resilient and sustainable infrastructure systems: A comparative analysis of post-disaster shelter coordination, stakeholder participation, and training. PhD dissertation, Pending, August 2017. 

Shimabuku, Kyle. Biochar sorbents for the control of organic contaminants in stormwater: understanding biochar structure and water quality on sorption behavior, PhD dissertation, Pending, August 2017.
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