This spring, our Discovery Wharf (DW) will open its doors in 2023 with a new exhibit, offering visitors an interactive
Climate Change Immersive Video Experience focused on climate change and ecosystem awareness. Visitors will use a touch-screen table (seen at right) to manipulate video stories on a floor-to-ceiling projection. Visitors will select the location of the video and the environmental conditions such as a 50 or 100-year storm with worst case scenario sea level rise. The walls around them will display the selected environment in an impactful augmented reality experience.
Our MCCF videographer, Tate Yoder, completed the filming at two locations - the first is the Deer Isle Causeway, the second is Main Street in Stonington. Using the original raw video, PERCH Design Studios created animations to depict the climate scenarios such as sea level rise.
One of the enhancements added to the project is the addition of more interviews with local residents. Visitors will find the resident’s recollections and insights fascinating. For example, most residents don’t know that the Stonington harbor once froze over in the toughest of winters, allowing people to walk out to the nearby islands. MCCF's unique building site, wharf signage and interactive exhibits are providing a premier attraction for global visitors to Maine’s most active fishing port. This new exhibit will help folks understand the multiple challenges that threaten the traditional way of life, landscapes, and seascapes of Maine's coastal fishing communities. Offshore energy development and protection of marine mammals compete with fishermen for the same swath of ocean, as sea level rise erases shellfish habitat and erodes critical community infrastructure.
We believe fishermen’s engagement, knowledge and leadership is central to sharing responsibility, incorporating diverse viewpoints, and adapting to dynamic ecosystem, climate, market and social change. Through engagement with our visitors and community, we’ve identified a need to expand our capacity to interpret these issues and allow for individual reflection, appreciation, and conversation within the construct of a professionally designed and managed museum. MCCF appreciates the financial support of The Dorr Foundation.