MCAT Climate Action Thursdays

Three Lobby Days in Salem

February 8th, 15th & 22nd

Hello Fellow Climate Activist;

Join us for three important days in Salem during the short session. We will be attending meetings with legislators, having informal conversations with staff and dropping off materials related to the most important climate legislation being worked on this year.

The expected focus of our meetings on each Climate Action Thursday is listed below, but we will be prepared to discuss the other climate topics as needed due to scheduling issues and last minute updates.

Feb 8th: Funding Fire-Safe Communities, Public Services and Watershed Protection with a Timber Value Tax - the best natural climate solution is an incentive to grow trees longer.

Feb 15th: Housing Policy Incentives and Land Use - protecting farms and forests while building for the future.

Feb 22nd: Climate Budget - maximizing the amount and efficiency of money spent to support climate projects.

8:30-9:00: Arrive - Coffee and snacks provided. We start promptly at 9!

9:00-9:45: Prep - For Legislative Meetings

9:45-10:00: Walk & Talk - Walk to the Capitol while practicing talking points.

10:00-1:00: Meet - Scheduled meetings and office drop-ins.

Whenever finished (by 1:30): - Drop off notes and unused materials.

Please sign up below. Carpool information included.

Register for Thursday Feb. 8th: HERE

Register for Thursday Feb 15th: HERE

Register for Thursday Feb 22nd: HERE

Questions? contact: MCAT

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Thank you for taking action, MCAT!

MCAT (Mobilizing Climate Action Together) is a community of experienced volunteers, sponsored by OLCV, who help steward significant greenhouse gas reduction policy into law in Oregon.

MCAT participates with the broad and inclusive climate and equity coalitions in Oregon and partners with OCN and others on coordinated action, particularly in regard to state legislation and policy.  MCAT also actively organizes to elect and support legislators who will work for strong climate legislation.

MCAT Steering Committee: Rick Brown, Linda Craig, Debby Garman, Pat DeLaquil, Rich Peppers, Rand Schenck, Daniel Frye, Michael Mitton, KB Mercer, Brett Baylor. Not shown: Jane Stackhouse, Joe Stenger, Catherine Thomasson

Wanna be an MCAT? Go HERE

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