In This Issue

Inspiration • What's New with MC4ME? • Recommended Resources • Research Findings •

Mindfulness Insights • Upcoming Events
"The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments when we touch one another.”
~ Jack Kornfield
What's New with MC4ME?
MC4ME Collaborates with Professional Educational Organizations
We are excited to share about our partnership with the Michigan Education Association (MEA) which, with the support of the Ann Arbor Public Schools and Ann Arbor Education Association , will allow us to offer our 9-week intensive program of mindfulness skills training to MEA members this fall. Our other statewide collaborations include a day-long training for Early On Michigan's annual conference this fall. 
Fall Retreat Early Bird Reg istration Now Open!
Registration is now under way for our annual fall practice retreat and meet-up on Saturday morning, October 19th. In the afternoon, we are delighted that high school students, along with Steve Norman from Grand Rapids and our Mary Spence, will share their experience of their weeklong Kalamazoo retreat sponsored by Inward Mindfulness Bound Education (iBme) and Fetzer Institute .

A Week of Mindfulness: April 20-27, 2020

We are excited to join Mindful City Ann Arbor to encourage the joy and practice of mindfulness through community during   this designated week of mindfulness . Will you help bring this initiative statewide?...
Recommended Resources
Mindfulness in the Secondary Classroom:
A Guide for Teaching Adolescents
This book offers a wonderful primer for teaching mindfulness to adolescents. It is the first volume in a published series focused on social and emotional learning solutions. Dr. Broderick, the developer of the Learning to Breathe Curriculum ...
Research Findings 
Brain decline and dementia or aging as memory loss concept for brain cancer decay or an Alzheimer s disease with old rusting mechanical gears and cog wheels in the shape of a human head with rust.
Mindfulness Training Reduces Stress and Amygdala Reactivity to Fearful Faces in Middle School
The authors report on a randomized controlled trial of 40 sixth grade students in a predominantly low-income urban environment in which they examined the effects of a school-based mindfulness...
Mindfulness Insights
Know Your Why and Be Authentic
Last summer, at our 2-day Summer Institute, Teaching Mindfulness to Youth, 40 educators with an established mindfulness practice gathered to learn ways to incorporate mindfulness in their work with youth in the classroom and in therapeutic settings...
Upcoming Events
Sponsored Mindfulness Events in Michigan
Search Inside Yourself
Flint, October 22-23, 2019
Grand Rapids Center for Mindfulness
Becoming Trauma Sensitive: David Treleaven, PhD 
Grand Rapids, October 26, 2019