Message from the President
What a great 2023 it’s been so far at MBGH! During the first six months, we’ve launched a new employer-only roundtable series, hosted four in-person learning networks and six educational webinars, published three new employer action briefs, welcomed 16 new members, participated in eight employer-focused research initiatives and…pulled off the largest, and in my opinion the most successful, annual conference in MBGH history! See more below.
43rd Annual Conference – May 2023
This year’s conference had record attendance with 486 registrants. Many of you shared with us it was “the best conference ever” and we agree! Our post-event survey indicated 100% of attendees would recommend the conference to others and rated the networking opportunities excellent/very good. Attendees loved the amazing lineup of speakers and the opportunities to meet and learn from their colleagues.
It was fantastic to see many of you in person at the event. If you weren't able to attend, MBGH members can find the speaker bios, presentations and summaries on the MBGH website.
44th Annual Conference

We are excited to announce our 2024 conference dates. Mark your calendars for May 7-8, 2024 at the JW Marriott in downtown Chicago.

From the entire MBGH staff, we hope you have a wonderful summer. We’re always here for you and welcome the opportunity to learn how MBGH can best support you and your employees. Reach out any time!
Cheryl Larson
President & CEO
Three new board members were elected at our annual member meeting during the 43rd Annual Conference. Marilyn Bartlett, Rebecca Lueken-Stewart and Steven Sfikas are joining our dynamic board of industry experts and progressive employers who dedicate their time and expertise to serve the mission of MBGH!
Marilyn Bartlett
Consultant, MJBartlett LLC
I am honored to be elected to the MBGH Board. Having served as the Plan Administrator for the State of Montana Employee Benefit Plan, I am aware of the challenges employers face in providing competitive, cost effective and valuable benefit plans for employees and their dependents. As a CPA, I have been working with the National Academy for State Health Policy and various employer groups to "follow the money" in this complex healthcare system, and I look forward to learning from MBGH members and MBGH programs, as we develop successful strategies.
Rebecca Lueken-Stewart
Employer Strategy Director, Johnson & Johnson
We have been a member of Midwest Business Group on Health for the past 15+ years. I am honored to be elected back on to the Board! I have always valued the monthly learning opportunities which help us understand the challenges, obstacles, opportunities and decisions employer HR directors make on behalf of their employees and dependents. I have made valuable connections with HR thought leaders while attending MBGH events. We are thrilled to be members and look forward to future networking and education!
Steven Sfikas
Benefits Manager - Americas, Morningstar, Inc.
Over the last few years, I’ve had the privilege to access a wealth of materials and information through MBGH. As our organization has grown and changed rapidly, it has been extremely helpful to reference the available MBGH resources when making plan decisions. It has been so valuable to interact with other employers and use them as a resource to validate the research and perspectives of our consultants. I’m honored to strengthen these relationships further as a member of the board and partner with amazing thought leaders to bring practical solutions to fellow organizations.
MBGH’s success is driven by our members. We all benefit from our diverse membership base; sharing best practices and learning from one another is what makes MBGH so valuable. That’s the Power of MBGH!
New Employer Members
New Partner Members
  • Astellas Pharma
  • Embold Health
  • HealthCheck360
  • Hydrogen Health
  • Lark
  • Mediterranean Wellness
  • Onsite Dental
  • Otsuka Pharmaceuticals
  • Springbuk
  • TruDataRx
  • Vivio
MBGH is hosting monthly virtual roundtables for MBGH employer members the 2nd Thursday of each month from 12:00 PM - 1:15 PM (CT). Roundtables include lively, interactive discussions led by Alex Jung and other health care benefits experts addressing topics that are vital to your organization. Not an MBGH member but would like to attend? Email Mark Pfleger,
What do attendees have to say about our roundtables?
Great presentation and discussion. So very useful!
You all do a great job and I am so grateful to have you as a partner.
We are definitely better together!
Upcoming Roundtables
  • This Week! July 13: What's in Your Claims Data and Why Do Your Carriers Miss It? Finding and Eliminating Waste and Low Value Care
  • August 10: Catch Me if You Can! Latest Critical Legislation on Price Transparency & PBM Accountability for Employers
Topics TBA: September 14, October 12, November 9 & December 14
Past Roundtables
  • January 12: Health Care Inflation is Coming for Your Organization’s Budget. What Can You Do About It?

  • February 9: CAA: The Deadline Has Passed. Now What?

  • March 9: Activism Will Change Your Employee Benefits
  • April 13: The Local Health Care System Just Suffered a Data Breach: Why Should I Care?

  • June 8: It’s YOUR Data! How to Get It and What to Do If You Can’t
September 20, 2023
8:30 AM to 12:15 PM (CT)
University Club Chicago and virtual
This half-day forum will focus on how obesity impacts organizations, including how bias and stigma can get in the way of a successful workplace strategy. Obesity is often inaccurately characterized as a lifestyle failure that stems from poor individual choices about nutrition and physical activity but it’s more complicated than that. Attend this session to gain a better understanding of the latest research, recommendations and insights into employer best practices. Register today!
What did attendees have to say about our 2023 programs?
I loved hearing from other employers!
I gained some great ideas to take back to our program!
Very well done and well organized.
Loved the real life applications.
My first time attending. Learned so much! Plan to implement my takeaways.
Loved literally ALL of it! Each presentation was valuable.
MBGH Members: Click the images below for program summaries.
Reimagining Wellbeing: Lead the Change!
January 25, 2023
Employers and Biosimilars: Stories from the Real World
February 16, 2023
2023 Tools
for Health Benefits Savings
(Part 1 of 2)
February 22, 2023
Biomarker Testing:
What is It and Why Should Employers Pay for It?
March 16, 2023
Mental Health Forum: Tapping into Your Superpowers to
Support Employees
March 22, 2023
2023 Tools
for Health Benefits Savings (Part 2 of 2)
March 29, 2023
Why Should Employers Care About Improving Employee Vaccination Rates?
April 4, 2023
MBGH released three new action briefs recently. Click the images below to gain a better understanding of how:
  • Biomarker testing can ensure patients get the treatment most likely to work for them, while minimizing costs due to ineffective treatments.
  • Biosimilars can reduce pharmacy benefit costs and lead to cost-effective outcomes when used appropriately.
  • Employers can improve confidence in and use of vaccines as a safe and effective way to prevent diseases.
Other action briefs include CAA Plan Sponsor Obligations for PBMs, Are Payment Practices Leading to Unintentional Opioid Use?, Prescription Digital Therapeutics (PDTs), and more. Each action brief provides the business case for employers and action steps to enhance your current benefit offerings. Check them out below!
February 17, 2023
How Can Employers
Be Ready for the Biosimilar Influx?
June 23, 2023
Deloitte: Employers
Can Move the Needle on 'Health Spans"
June 21, 2023
Alex Jung: It's Time to Think Differently About Specialty Drugs