MBF Update ~ March 2024

2024 Annual Meeting Recap

At the MBF’s Annual Meeting on March 5, Angela C. McConney passed the gavel to President G. Perry Wu, who will serve alongside Vice President Melissa Langa, Treasurer Edward F. Dombroski, Jr., and Secretary Paul J. Klehm.

The MBF also welcomed new Trustees Akosua A. Agyepong, Patrice C. Dixon, and Hon. Jonathan J. Kane.

During the meeting, we reflected on the work and legacy of the late Hon. Edward M Ginsburg. The Great Friend of Justice Award was presented to his family, including his wife, Attorney Julie Ginsburg, and daughters, Hon. Jennifer Ginsburg and Lauren Madden.

Christina Paradiso of Community Legal Aid delivered grantee remarks about her work as a supervising attorney of CLA's Family Law Unit.

Thank you to the MBF fellows, grantees, and friends who attended the event at Suffolk University Law School.

Click here to view the full photo gallery.

Photos by Jeff Thiebauth

MBF Fellows: Volunteer for Grant Review!

The MBF's IOLTA Grants Program funds nonprofit organizations across the state that provide civil legal services and/or improve the administration of justice. All Fellows are invited to participate on a Grant Advisory Committee, which reviews applications and helps make funding decisions. Our Fellows’ legal experience and commitment to access to justice is invaluable to this process.


What's involved?

Volunteers can choose whether to serve on a regional or subject committee and will typically review two to three grant applications. The MBF uses an online application and review platform to make the process easier, greener, and more efficient for applicants and volunteers.


What's the difference between regional and subject committees?

Regional committee volunteers will meet with their assigned applicants to review the application in detail and ask any questions. Subject committee members perform a document review only.


What's the time commitment?

Volunteers can expect to spend approximately 2-4 hours reviewing applications and, in the case of regional committees, interviewing assigned applicants. All volunteers will be asked to attend one committee meeting in May, which typically lasts two hours.


What's the timeframe?

Assignments will be sent out during the week of April 15. Grant review assignments can be completed on your own time, anytime between April 22 and May 10. The committees will meet between May 13 and May 24. After your committee meeting, your work is done!


Over 80 MBF Fellows volunteer to serve on Grant Advisory Committees each spring and find this work to be extremely rewarding. If you are new to the MBF and/or have not yet served on a grant committee, this is a great way to get involved and to see the critical work that you help to support.


Please CLICK HERE to complete our online volunteer registration form. The deadline to register is April 5, 2024.

Thank you to our Law Firm & Corporate Partners
The firms & companies featured below are helping to expand funding to legal aid programs & increase access to justice in our state.

If you would like to add your firm or company to the list, please click here.
Gold Partners
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Bronze Partners
Massachusetts Bar Foundation
(617) 338-0500
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