While Brandwise is still offline, we are all stepping back in time a little. Our Reps continue to write orders the semi-old-fashioned way and then email them directly to our vendors. While this is a little more time-consuming, our vendors are still able to get your orders shipped out to you in a timely fashion. Unfortunately, you are unable to order on our website right now. If you have orders, that you would normally place through our online site, please contact us at info@darrahreps.com or email them directly to your Rep. You can still look at all our catalogs here and take a virtual tour of the showroom here to see all the wonderful products our vendors have to offer.
Despite all these technological challenges this week, Spring is here in all its glory, and the high temps recently are indicative that summer is right around the corner! There’s lots to celebrate in May – Mother’s Day is front and center, followed by graduation and then, Memorial Day.
Hopefully you are fully stocked for Mothers’ Day but if not, we have great gifts for all types of mothers! Whether they are foster mothers, godmothers, grandmothers, or mother’s whose children are covered in fur and walk on paws! We have product in stock, and ready to ship in a hurry! Let us help you find that perfect gift!
Next comes graduation, and again, we have you covered with product that is in stock and ready to ship. We have a significant number of items that can be personalized! Whether they’re graduating from kindergarten and moving to grade school or graduating from college and heading to the real world, we can help you find the perfect gift!
Then, Memorial Day arrives to officially kick off the summer… people are ready for outdoor adventures, vacations, and travel. We have the perfect gift for them as well! They can begin celebrating with red, white, and blue product in May and continue it straight through to the 4th of July!
In addition, we are prebooking for Game Day, Back to School, Halloween, and Christmas. Prebooking reserves quantities for you and guarantees that you get the product and the quantities that you need!
It’s also time to begin thinking about an appointment for the summer market in July. We are going to be open on Sunday afternoon, July 14, if you prefer to get a jump on the crowds! We’re booking appointments now, so please contact us to get on the calendar!
We thank you for your continued support and consideration!
Darrah & Co.