MAY 2024

Let the Adventures Begin!

I can't believe Summer Reading is almost here! I am so excited to come out and see some of your programs this summer. Be sure and share out your program calendar so I can plan out my trips! This year I've created a shared Google Drive folder so everyone can get inspired by what's going on across the state - add your calendar once it's ready!

Let's get set for Library Adventures!


CALENDAR - Meetings and Events

MAY Monthly Youth Services Meeting

Drop-In Meeting / Q and A

Friday, May 17, 10:00-10:40am

Topic: Summer Reading!

Zoom Link HERE

This is an informal meeting of YS staff from across the state. Drop in to ask any questions or get assistance accessing any resources.

We'll continue to have drop-in meetings throughout the summer, but other events and meetings will start back in the Fall.


Rainbow Book Month is a nationwide celebration of the authors and writings that reflect the lives and experiences of the LGBTQIA+ community.

ALA has developed free, customizable publicity templates that are ready for your library to adapt and use - access here.


Summer Reading is almost here!

All Summer Reading information and links can be found in the SRP 24 Niche Academy module. Including the Social Media toolkit, NM themed materials and link to Video PSAs.

SHARE OUT your Summer Reading Calendars!

Upload your program calendars here! I love to see what you are planning and so do your library staff colleagues across the state! I'll plan my summer reading visits using these calendars.

CSLP Online Manual

Don't forget that the online manual is an evolving document - updates and additions are added as they are created -

And, Smokey Bear has officially been announced as the CSLP Summer Reading Champion for 2024.

Contact Kelly if you need assistance with any resources.

Smokey Bear Reading Challenge

You can participate in the national Smokey Bear Reading Challenge as part of your Summer Reading Program or as a separate program - as best serves your community.

Access the Forest Service digital toolkit here.

Access the NMSL Smokey Bear LibGuide here.

Early Literacy Calendar Available

Don't forget about the Early Literacy Calendar to distribute to patrons or share out on your website or social media. Visit the Niche Academy course for all months in English and Spanish.

Calendars on display at Hobbs Public Library


Follow libraries around the state to check out programming ideas.

Land of Enchantment Book Awards

Voting for the 2023-2024 Land of Enchantment Book Awards is OPEN. Make sure you register your votes by May 15, 2024.

Access the Voting Links HERE


Cardholder signup policies:

Access in practice

May 22, 2024, 1:00-2:00PM (MT)

In 2023, Brooklyn Public Library launched a research project to collect and study cardholder signup policies from public libraries across the nation. The project aims to identify the range of policies and procedures which govern cardholder access as well as the rationale used for establishing these policies. Research findings have been summarized in a report made available to the library field beginning spring 2024. Join us for a discussion about the inspiration for this study, how the research was conducted, and key findings and takeaways using data from more than 1,800 public libraries across the United States.  

Full details and registration - here

These are free workshops to train YOU on the subject matter, so you can then conduct the program at your library. For virtual programs the first 20 registrants receive mailed kits of supplies.

Rollin' Robots

Tuesday, June 4, 10 am - 12 pm @ Explora

Use code, cardboard, and ingenuity to create fun, interactive experiences with an adorable robot ball called a Sphero!

Full details and to register

Get Charged Up

Wednesday June 12, 2 pm - 4 pm Virtual

Get charged up about electricity! We’ll integrate literature and use balloons, tissue paper, hobby motors, and pool noodles to explore and play with static electricity and basic circuits.  Use what you discover to make your own scribble bot that wiggles and draws on paper.

Full details and to register

STEM in Fairy Tales

Thursday, June 27, 2 pm -  4 pm Virtual

How much weight can Rapunzel’s hair hold? How tall is the Giant from Jack in the Beanstalk? Discover the answers as you explore the STEM in your favorite fairy tales.

Full details and to register


Looking Ahead: Professional Conferences

There are many general and specialized conferences for library staff. Plan ahead to attend! Remember: LSTA funds can be used to send library staff to professional conferences.

ALA Annual Conference - June 27-July 2, 2024, San Diego, CA

ARSL (Assoc. of Rural and Small Libraries) - Sept 11-14, 2024, Springfield, MA

ALSC (Assoc. Library Service to Children) - Sept 19-21, 2024, Denver, CO

ATALM (Tribal Libraries, Archives and Museums)- Nov 12-14, 2024, Palm Springs, CA

ALA LibLearnX - Jan 24-27, 2025, Phoenix, AZ

Compiled by Kelly McCabe, Youth Services Coordinator

New Mexico State Library


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