MASBHC Annual Conference
Registration will go up $10 after May 1st
Registration is now open for MASBHC's 2016 Annual Conference. Building Healthy Minds and Bodies: Best Practices in School-Based Health will be held on Thursday May 19th, 2016 at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute
Don't miss out on these amazing workshops:
- Screening for Depression in School Based Health Centers
- Demonstrating Impact with Standardized National Performance Measures to Elevate School-Based Health and Mental Health Services
- Partner Build Grow: Sustainability Approaches for Wellness Programming
- Linking Health and Student Attendance
- Toxic Stress and Youth
- Fits, Faints, and Fakes: Assessment of the Student Who "Passes Out" at School
- Immigrant Youth: The Whole Person
- Linking Academic Achievement and Health: Action for Healthy Kids Panel