APRIL 2016

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MASBHC Annual Conference
Registration will go up $10 after May 1st

Registration is now open for MASBHC's 2016 Annual Conference. Building Healthy Minds and Bodies: Best Practices in School-Based Health will be held on Thursday May 19th, 2016 at the Conference Center at the Maritime Institute

Don't miss out on these amazing workshops:
  • Screening for Depression in School Based Health Centers
  • Demonstrating Impact with Standardized National Performance Measures to Elevate School-Based Health and Mental Health Services
  • Partner Build Grow: Sustainability Approaches for Wellness Programming
  • Linking Health and Student Attendance
  • Toxic Stress and Youth
  • Fits, Faints, and Fakes:  Assessment of the Student Who "Passes Out" at School 
  • Immigrant Youth: The Whole Person
  • Linking Academic Achievement and Health: Action for Healthy Kids Panel
Maryland Adolescent Health Collaborative
Applications Due April 29th

Maryland Assembly on School-Based Health Care (MASBHC), in partnership with the Amerigroup Foundation, is proud to announce the launch of the  Maryland Adolescent Health Collaborative (MAHC). This initiative will offer school based health centers and sponsoring agencies the opportunity to research, pilot and reflect on a best practice program or intervention in one of the following areas: a dolescent health care delivery; h ealthy, active lifestyles; d iabetes and asthma management; and s ocial and emotional wellness .

MAHC is designed to strengthen the capacity of SBHC staff and their partners to achieve greater health and wellness outcomes for the youth at their school. Each SBHC team will have an opportunity to select a health and wellness program to address one of the aforementioned areas. The program pilot must reach a minimum of 100 high school youth over a six month period. As teams explore best practices and select a program to pilot, they will set a measurable, quantitative target for the selected area. The collaborative will provide financial incentives to participating teams, funds that can be used toward staff time and/or program supplies and materials.