MANS Weekly Update

May 17, 2024

Important Updates

MANS Upcoming Events!

MANS School Law Seminar - June 14 - Lansing, Michigan

The 2024 MANS School Law Seminar is coming this summer! This half-day session is designed to allow you to engage with and learn from legal experts on contemprary legal issues facing schools. Empower yourself to proactively address legal challenges and implement effective policies within your schools. Get your seat now before it sells out!

Speaker Announcement:

Michelle Kolkmeyer, a member of the Bodman law firm’s Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution and Workplace Law Practice Groups, will present on school policies regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI), staff marijuana use outside of school, and social media threats between students.

Register Today!

MANS Creating Pathways Toward School Success - July 26 - Lansing, Michigan

Creating Pathways is a faith-filled professional learning opportunity tailored for school secretaries and administrative assistants in Michigan’s nonpublic schools. Participants will spend the day networking with peers and will participate in session designed for the important role they play in your schools. 

  • Learn how AI impacts schools and how to harness it's power to simplify and create efficiencies in your work.
  • Explore safety protocols that prepare you for issues before they arise.
  • Pick up tips and tricks for maximizing what Microsoft suite can do for you,
  • and more!

Creating Pathways empowers school secretaries and administrative assistants with the knowledge and tools to effectively contribute to their faith-based school’s success while embracing the challenges and opportunities that shape their roles.

Register Today!

MANS Faith-filled Office Professional Award

Principals and school boards are invited to nominate your outstanding administrative assistant for the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS) Faith-filled Office Professional Award. This award recognizes school office professionals who are faith-filled ambassadors for their schools, create efficiencies that streamline daily tasks, understand their broader ministry, have a willingness to take on new challenges and tasks, and develop respectful relationships with parents, students, and staff.

Nominations are peer-reviewed, and awardees will be recognized at the 2024 Creating Pathways Toward School Success retreat. Recipients of the award will receive complimentary registration for the retreat in recognition of their achievement. Nominations are due June 14, 2024.

Nominate Today!

MANS Education Conference & Expo, October 17 and 18 in Detroit, Michigan

Don't miss this great opportunity of professional growth and innovation for all nonpublic school staff. The event offers keynote speakers bringing profound insights and inspiration, more than 100 diverse range of education sessions catering to various roles and interests, and an array of vendors presenting cutting-edge resources and solutions! Attendees will gain knowledge, learn best practices, and engage in faith-filled networking opportunities. Whether seeking fresh perspectives, innovative strategies, or practical tools, nonpublic school staff will find this conference to be an event that enriches skills, ignites passion, and equips them to return to the classroom re-energized and re-charged!

Registration launches next week - watch your email and register at the early-bird rate of $200 per educator.

Michigan's K-12 Educator AI Integration Survey

The Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS) participates with more than a dozen other educational organizations to participate in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Statewide Workgroup, led by Michigan Virtual's AI Lab. The workgroup wants to hear about your experiences, challenges, and perceptions of AI in Michigan schools. Your anonymous feedback will be analyzed and shared in summary format as well as by each statewide membership group. This will help us collectively improve knowledge sharing, assess developments, and better address the professional development needs of educators. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete.

AI Survey

MANS 2024 Christmas Card Student Art Competition

The temperatures may be rising, and it feels like an unlikely time to think about Christmas, but at the Michigan Association of Non-public Schools (MANS), we believe it's never too early to spread a little holiday cheer! That's why we're thrilled to announce the launch of the 2024 Christmas Card Student Art Competition. 

We are excited to invite MANS member students from across Michigan to showcase their artistic talents in celebration of the holiday season by designing the card MANS will send to stakeholders this coming Christmas. This year's theme is 'Angels Among Us,' inviting participants to depict the roles of angels in the Christmas story. Not enough time to do it this school year, there is plenty of time as the deadline for submissions isn't until November 2024

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State Updates

Post-Graduation Opportunities Information Packet

Michigan Compiled Law (MCL) 380.1293 requires post-graduation information packets to be provided to pupils in grades 8-12. By no later than October 1, the local superintendent or chief administrator, as applicable, is required to provide in electronic or non-electronic form the post-graduation opportunities informational packet found on the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity (LEO) Pathfinder page. The packet is for each pupil enrolled in any of grades 8-12 in the local public school district, both traditional public school district or public school academy, intermediate school district, or nonpublic school. A memorandum on this topic was issued to local school districts on August 3, 2023. A reminder memorandum was issued on October 19, 2023. MDE is resharing the information regarding this deadline as it may inform fall planning and communication with students and families.

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Michigan Law Brings Changes to Educator Evaluation Requirements

Public Acts 224 and 225 of 2023 modified the existing teacher and administrator evaluation requirements. Learn more and stay informed by reviewing the updated Michigan Department of Education guidance about changes in law, including resources to support collective bargaining and evaluation system design.

Additional resources include:

Contact MDE

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program Application Now Available

The Michigan Department of Education is pleased to announce that the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) application is now available for School Year 2024-2025. To access the application, you must have a MiLogin for Business and need NexSys access in MILogin. Applications must be submitted in NexSys by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, May 24, 2024.

If you have questions about the FFVP, please email: or click the button below.

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MDE Asks High School Administrators, Staff to Remind Seniors About Importance of Filling Out FAFSA

The Michigan Department of Education encourages high school students to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). High school administrators can help by ensuring that their seniors and parents of seniors get this important message: Any student, regardless of income, who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs must complete the FAFSA form. It takes most people less than an hour. Forms are due by June 30, 2024, for this year’s seniors.

FAFSA Application

Michigan E-Rate Update

For those of you who used to be on the E-rate listserv and would like to be on the NEW listserv, send an email to to request access. 

E-rate questions can be answered by emailing

If you filed a waiver for consideration of an out-of-window Form 471, please check the Streamlined Decisions for April (link here) to see if your waiver was granted.


The Funds For Learning Annual E-rate Survey is LIVE! Share your thoughts and opinions on how the Filing Window went from your applicant/consultant perspective! Find the link here.  

Federal Updates

Webinar Recording Available: Equitable Services under Title I and Title VIII of the ESEA

The Office of Non-Public Education webinar, Equitable Services under Title I, Part A and Title VIII, Part F of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is now available on the U.S. Department of Education’s website. Links to the webinar, presentation slides, and guidance are available here.

Presented by the Department’s Office of Non-Public Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Office of the General Counsel, the webinar provides an overview of the equitable services requirements under Title I, Part A and Title VIII, Part F of the ESEA. This technical assistance supports State and local educational agencies, private school representatives and others involved with the implementation of ESEA equitable services. ONPE encourages all stakeholders to view and share the webinar broadly.

For additional information about the webinar, contact


Michigan Virtual's EdTech Innovation Bootcamp - June 17 & 18

As the school year wraps up, Michigan Virtual is gearing up for their 2024 EdTech Catalyst programming! If you're part of Michigan's education community with an innovative idea or new business to enhance teaching or learning, here's what you need to know.


EdTech Innovation Bootcamp is a live Zoom event taking place from June 17 - 20, 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. daily. It's designed to help develop your EdTech idea and deepen your understanding of education technology innovation and entrepreneurship. Participation in the Bootcamp is strongly encouraged for those planning to enter the Michigan Virtual EdTech Pitch Contest, although it's not mandatory if you're attending solely for the Bootcamp.


The EdTech Pitch Contest has two rounds. For the first round, submit your pitch deck and video by July 7, 2024. Five finalists will then present their pitches live on Zoom on July 18, 2024. Save the dates to participate or watch the final presentations!

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MESC Offers Free Van Andel Institute Virtual Math Series

The Michigan Equitable Service Collaborative (MESC) has partnered with Van Andel Institute (VAI) for Education to offer a virtual Math Series for K-8 teachers. This FREE professional learning opportunity is open to Michigan's non-public schools. Please register for each session you plan on attending. Michigan's nonpublic school teachers can use code MANS24 to receive FREE registration. Register soon! Spots will fill up fast!

  • Practices Make Perfect: Using the Standards of Mathematical Practice to Improve Student Instruction on June 13 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
  • The Antidote: Eradicating the Fear of Math Once and For All on June 18 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
  • Lesson Transformation in Math: Stop Creating Lesson Plans, Start Creating Learning Experiences! on June 20 from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m.
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Industry Tech Leaders and Policy Leaders

Join MiCTA as they bring together Industry Tech Leaders and Policy Leaders to talk about the opportunities and challenges found at the intersection of wireless policy and wireless technology.

Keynote speakers are:

  • FCC Commissioner Anna Gomez
  • Jim Bugel - President, FirstNet and Public Safety, AT&T

Sessions include:

  • School Safety and the Critical Role of Wireless Connectivity
  • EXECUTIVE SESSION: A View from the Top: In-Building Wireless
  • 9-1-1 Inside, A Call to Action: THE CALLS MUST GET THROUGH!
  • In-Building In-In-Building Public Safety Coverage - Tech and Policy Must Improve!
  • Building the Wireless Workforce

Save $50 using the Promo Code: sbc50

Register Today!

Resources From Our Partners

Professional Development: Teacher Math & Essentials Bundle

Get your new educators up to speed and ready to go for the upcoming school year! Catapult Learning’s New Teacher Math & Essentials is fueled by ETS Praxis math data and research on new educator subject matter understanding and core competencies. With this information, we developed a comprehensive package to directly address key areas of need for new educators and empower them to excel through an emphasis on core competencies and math instruction.


Our New Teacher Math & Essentials Bundle:

  • Is designed with new educators, paraprofessionals, and emergency certified teachers in mind
  • Includes instructor-led workshops on key math concepts and practical application, classroom management, and more
  • Comes paired with our asynchronous PDNow platform to reinforce educator development through over 10 hours of online courses.
Learn More

GPS Solutions Mental Health Support

GPS Solutions provides a mental health professional who conducts one-on-one, group, and whole group support that focuses on both proactive and reactive ways to promote self-awareness, managing emotions, social awareness, developing empathy, maintaining and repairing healthy relationships, and responsible decision-making. This support is designed for students, staff, and leaders so that the strategies identified can be supported with all stakeholders within the building.

Learn More

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