MANS Weekly Update

April 5, 2024

Important Updates

Auxiliary Services - Were You Notified By Your School District?

Did you know that school districts must alert nonpublic schools regarding the provision of auxiliary services? Michigan Administrative Rules R.340.293 says:

"A school district providing any of these auxiliary services shall notify in writing, no later than April 1 of each school year, each of the nonpublic schools within its district as to the nature and extent of such services as contained in its proposed budget. Within 30 days after receipt of such notice, nonpublic schools shall in writing notify the district as to the services that will be  needed  for  nonpublic schoolchildren. A school district shall confirm in writing no later than August 1 of each school year to each of the nonpublic schools within its district the nature and extent of such services as contained in its final budget as adopted by the school district board of education."


If you did not receive a written notice, please reach out to determine if the resident district is using Auxiliary Services for the 2024-2025 school year.

Auxiliary Services Statute

Save-the-Date for MANS School Law Seminar - June 14, 2024, Lansing, MI

Nonpublic school administrators are encouraged to attend the 2024 School Law Seminar. This half-day session is designed to allow you to engage with and learn from practitioners and others on important legal issues facing schools. By attending, administrators will be empowered to proactively address legal challenges and implement effective policies within their schools.

Look for registration information coming soon!

Save-the-Date for MANS Creating Pathways - July 26, 2024

Creating Pathways is a professional learning opportunity tailored for school secretaries and administrative assistants in Michigan’s nonpublic schools. Participants will spend the day networking with peers, exploring technology, safety protocols, mental health awareness, and reflect on faith within their roles. Creating Pathways empowers school secretaries and administrative assistants with the knowledge and tools to effectively contribute to their school’s success while embracing the challenges and opportunities that shape their roles.

MANS 2023-2024 SCECH Application Form – Share with Educators!

At the end of each school year, educators seeking SCECHs must apply for them using a MANS SCECH application form.

Here are the steps the school SCECH facilitator needs to take this spring:

  • Complete your Google spreadsheet – both tabs.
  • On the educator tab, make sure the total column is tallying everyone's SCECHs. Not sure how to do that? Click here
  • Share with your educators how many SCECHs they may apply for.
  • Last, share with your educators this MANS SCECH Application Form so they may apply for their SCECHs.

Deadlines: Educators renewing their certificates this year MUST apply for their SCECHs no later than June 15, 2024. All others have until July 26, 2024, to apply for SCECHs.

Questions may be directed to Shelley Long.

State Updates

Filter-First Webinar

The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE), in partnership with the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP), announces the first training event for the new Michigan “Filter First” legislation.

Filter First refers to the Clean Drinking Water Access Act (2023 PA 154) and amendments to the Child Care Organizations Act (1973 PA 116). As an added protection against the risk of lead exposure in drinking water, filters on all fixtures used for consumption in school and child care centers will be required. This webinar will explain the requirements and timeline to comply with Filter First, as well as updates regarding funding.

School and child care administrators, facility directors, consultants, and others should attend this one-hour webinar on April 10, 2024 starting at 9:00 am.

Learn More

MiLEAP Cuts Red Tape Making More Families Eligible for High-Quality, Affordable or No Cost Child Care

Recently the Michigan Department of Lifelong Education, Advancement, and Potential (MiLEAP) announced a policy change to make it easier for families to access low or no cost child care. Effective February 25, 2024, MiLEAP removed the requirement that primary parents cooperate with the Office of Child Support to qualify for low or no cost child care through the Child Development and Care Program.

MiLEAP is making this change to align with national best practices and respond to feedback from families, child care providers, and partners across the state. “More than 1 in 3 children in Michigan live with a primary parent,” said Sacha Klein, senior director of policy and advocacy at the Early Childhood Investment Corporation. “This policy change is a big step forward to ensuring equitable access to the child care subsidy for all qualifying families.

Families can see if they’re eligible for low or no cost child care by using the calculator available at

Local, regional, and state partners can access an outreach toolkit developed by the Early Childhood Investment Corporation to assist with sharing this change with parents and families in their networks.

Title IV, Part A Stronger Connections Grant, Competitive Application Release Announcement

The Michigan Department of Education has been awarded $26,504,263 by the U.S. Department of Education under the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (BSCA) Stronger Connections Grant (SCG). The Title IV, Part A (page 168) SCG program uses Title I, Part A of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act for state education agencies to competitively award subgrants to Title I, Part A eligible high-need local education agencies (LEAs), including public school academies (PSAs), to expand vital mental health services and provide additional support to design, enhance, and implement initiatives that will promote safer, more inclusive, and positive school environments. Note there is a requirement for school districts to include nonpublic schools in the planning, implementation and evaluation of any proposed project. Reach out to your school district to see if they area applying for this Title IV grant.

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Solar Eclipse April 8, 2024 – Prepare for Safe Viewing

Michigan's eclipse coverage will range from 75% in the northwest Upper Peninsula to a small area in the southeast Lower Peninsula experiencing totality (100%). Many schools will be engaging in end-of-day dismissal while the eclipse is happening (max coverage at approximately 3:10 p.m.), which means students and families will need information in advance for safe viewing.

Looking directly into a solar eclipse for any amount of time can be damaging to the human eye, so top priority is to prepare for eye safety. Use the following resources to prepare everyone for a safe and exciting learning experience:

Federal Updates

Free ESEA Equitable Services Webinar

The U.S. Department of Education, Office of Non-Public Education, is hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, April 16th, at 2:00 P.M. (ET), on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA): Equitable Services for Eligible Private School Children, Teachers, and Other Educational Personnel, to provide an overview of the equitable services requirements under Title I, Part A and Title VIII, Part F of the ESEA. Presenters include staff from the Department’s Office of Non-Public Education, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, and Office of the General Counsel.

The ESEA requires local educational agencies (LEAs) and other eligible entities to provide for the equitable participation of private school students, teachers, and other educational personnel, and, in some cases, families in some of the ESEA’s major programs. This webinar will cover general requirements that apply to all ESEA equitable services, as well as specific requirements for Title I, Part A and programs covered by Title VIII, Part F, which includes Title I, Part C; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title IV, Parts A and B; and Project School Emergency Response to Violence (Project SERV). The Department published ESEA Title I, Part A Equitable Services Updated Non-Regulatory Guidance in May 2023, and ESEA Title VIII Equitable Services Non-Regulatory Guidance in July 2023.

Participants must register - complete the online registration form ASAP to ensure you receive a link to participate.

Click Here to Register


Transformative Education Scholars Program (TESP) - Loyola University Chicago

MANS is pleased to announce a partnership with Loyola University Chicago TESP. As a member of the Transformative Education Scholars Program (TESP), a minimum of 12-15 members will complete one of the participating academic degree programs with the benefit of a 30% tuition discount. Scholars will receive a 30% tuition discount each semester of their academic degree program. Discount applies to required courses within the degree program only and does not cover fees or other expenses 


Eligibility for Transformative Education Scholars Program: Must apply to and be accepted to one of the participating academic programs and must be admitted as part of a cohort of at least 12-15 members of the organization.


Participating Degree/ Endorsement Programs include: 


Loyola University Chicago Website
Email for More Information

Resources from Our Partners

Meemic Insurance Teachers Sweepstakes

🍎 Calling all educators! Spread the word. Meemic Insurance is showing our love for educators with an exciting sweepstakes! Ten lucky winners will each receive $300 for their school and $300 for their classroom. It's our way of saying THANK YOU for all that you do!

Let's celebrate the incredible impact of educators together. Enter to win by April 24, 2024!

Enter to Win!

Michigan Virtual's Innovation Bootcamp - June 17 to 20, 2024

Michigan Virtual noted they are often asked what prompted them to start their EdTech Catalyst program, including an EdTech Innovation Bootcamp and Pitch Contest. And with their 2024 program launching soon, they decided to take this opportunity to share the “why” behind it.


The program was started to help close the gap between what EdTech companies make and what classrooms really need. They believe teachers are not just users of technology but also innovators who can help improve education. Teachers, administrators, parents, and others in the education ecosystem know the everyday challenges and opportunities better than anyone else, making them well-suited to develop solutions. 


Do you have an idea that will improve teaching or learning? Join them this summer during their Innovation Bootcamp and prepare for their EdTech Pitch Contest on July 18, where your idea could win a share of $22,000 in startup grants plus legal and marketing support. The 2024 Innovation Bootcamp will run June 17-20 with live morning sessions via Zoom. Stay tuned for signup information in early April!

Catapult Learning PDNow

Professional development (PD) should solve today’s education challenges and meet educators where they are – that’s where we step in. PDNow is Catapult Learning’s professional learning platform that pairs more than 45 years of school partnership excellence with technology, giving your K-12 educators access to high-quality PD that builds capacity – anywhere, anytime.

Learn More

GPS Solutions

GPS Solutions provides a mental health professional who conducts one-on-one, group, and whole group support that focuses on both proactive and reactive ways to promote self-awareness, managing emotions, social awareness, developing empathy, maintaining and repairing healthy relationships, and responsible decision-making. This support is designed for students, staff, and leaders so that the strategies identified can be supported with all stakeholders within the building.

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