Miguel Palacio
Physical Education Teacher and Coach
Grace Episcopal School, Alexandria VA
As one of the two 2021 MAESA Stewardship Award winners, MAESA interviewed Miguel Palacio to learn what he loves about his vocation.
Is there something special for you about coaching young students in P.E. and on the field? What drew you to this role?
I have always enjoyed playing sports, but as I grew closer to the Lord, I knew I could use my talents to follow my heart and help shine the light of Christ. I gravitate to younger students because they are like sponges and open to hearing a message. I hope I can put a brick or two in their foundation with the Lord.
How does your support and guidance for these students express itself at Grace? Does the fact that you work within an Episcopal School impact how you interact with them?
The fact that I work at a Christian school gives me joy because I can express freely that Jesus is the joy of my life without overstepping my bounds. It allows me to share my faith with others freely. I have worked in other schools where we were not allowed to freely express our faith in Jesus Christ.
Can you share an example or two of a time you witnessed a triumph or a failure for one of your students and what that was like?
When I work with young children, I try to teach good character keys. Our school character keys are aligned with the fruits of the Spirit -- respect, responsibility, courage, compassion and honesty. I help kids to know they might not always win or be best on the scoreboard, but if you have courage, you can do great things in life. By the time our fifth graders graduate, they realize that lesson. I also work hard on sportsmanship and to win humbly and to lose gracefully. A triumph for me is when kids come back to me to thank me, or I hear from a parent that a student emulates me at home. I appreciate that parents and kids notice and follow my example. I try to be a good role model.
What do you value about working at Grace Episcopal School, the colleagues, the families, the place itself?
I value the leadership at Grace because it gives me the space to be me, and that helps me to be a better teacher. Any organization needs good leadership to let employees be the best they can be. At Grace, my colleagues are always fun to be around. They are approachable, and we help each other figure out the best way to support each other and our students. We love our faculty lunches together with lots of laughs and support. I always try to tell my coworkers that I appreciate them because they make Grace a good place to work and together we make a great team. We can always lean on each other.
Is there anything else about your personal or professional journey that helps MAESA and our members get to know you better?
I am the father of five children and a grandfather of one. My youngest just turned twenty, so I have been around children for a long time. My wife and I have emphasized education, faith, dedication and hard work. I have always loved working with children, and through sports, try to shine my light. I try to walk the walk and set an example so I can show God in our lives. My father always said that one of the most important things about work is to “show up” and do your best. You need to know that you are not just working for yourself and your family, but also for the Lord who guides you each day.