January 18, 2024


Can you believe winter is officially here, it has been so chilly. I hope enjoyed the first winter storm.

I've been skiing and paying my 16-year-old son to plow the drive way, I'm enjoying that:) Jan-March tends to fill a bit slower for the Sinclair family, so I am enjoying more time at home right now. I hope you are able to enjoy the beautiful scenery of snowy days with a nice book and a warm cup of tea.



The Weekly Catch-up

Questions for Gwen

The Q & A is scheduled for Tuesday, January 23rd @ 7:00. 

Please read the affiliate agreement prior to the Q&A session https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAF-uzBdiCi2gKarPVUaJuB7xo1P-mjb/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=116647876593086649336&rtpof=true&sd=true  

Use this form to share your questions. I will share these questions with Gwen so she can prepare answers and make effective use of our time. Thank you in advance! https://forms.gle/UnhoS7vT3nB3PzQj7

Upcoming Board Meeting

All documents for the board meeting can be found in our Google Classroom. You should have received an invitation in your email box as well.

Visit our Classroom


Class Code: qky2p6b

In-Person Board Meetings: Location has been finalized

Girls Scouts of Central Massachusetts

115 Century Dr, Worcester, MA 01606

  • Sat. Feb. 10th 10-1 In-Person
  • Sat. April 27th 10-1 In-Person
  • Sat. May 25th 10-1 In Person


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