Embracing Federalism
Take Care Blog
Time to debate and create a New Federalism, with contributions from thoughtful citizens, professional philosophers, political scientists, and constitutional scholars. One promising initiative, launched with the participation of Larry Tribe and others, features Erwin Chemerinsky's fine overview
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Suite 416
Boston, MA 02133
Phone: 617-722-1572
Dear Friend,
As they do their Massachusetts taxes, residents can check any of several boxes in order to donate to a good cause. Donations can go to efforts such as endangered wildlife conservation, the Organ Transplant Fund, and the Massachusetts AIDS Fund.
I've introduced new legislation to add an additional option to the income tax form: the Least Developed Countries Fund, an initiative of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.
Donations to the Fund will address the needs of 48 poor countries especially vulnerable to climate change. The aim is to protect key resources such as water, agriculture, infrastructure, and fragile ecosystems.
Example: Haiti is experiencing longer dry seasons and shorter rainy seasons. Beach erosion is increasing, fresh water aquifers and estuaries are going to salt water, and the region is seeing more hurricanes. This is where the LDCF comes in, with training for key staff and support to improve coastal zone planning and building construction codes.
At a time when U.S. aid to developing countries is threatened with drastic reductions, inclusion of this purely optional opportunity on state income tax forms would be a modest step towards filling the gap
Rest In Peace, Ken Donnelly
I miss my friend and colleague Ken Donnelly. Several days ago, Ken lost his battle with brain cancer. We shared representation of Lexington and
worked together to make sure the Senate produced smart and compassionate policy. I watched Ken for pointers. He made good will towards others look easy, even when it was hard for the rest of us.
Environmental groups call for action at local and state level
The Sudbury Valley Trustees and OARS safeguard the fortunes of the Assabet, Concord and Sudbury Rivers. They don't stop there; they promote statewide action on drought management, pollution programs, and climate change. Top left, my introductory remarks at a recent meeting. Top right, with Lisa Vernegaard, SVT's Exec. Director. Bottom, the entire crew.
Edinburg Center opens up new digs in Bedford
The Edinburg Center provides community-based treatment and support for adults with mental health conditions, brain injuries and developmental disabilities. They opened up a new office in Bedford, so I stopped by. Here with CEO Ellen Attaliades, Rep. Garballey, Director of Developmental Disabilities and Brain Injury Residential Services Lynn Bishop, Assistant Directors of Residential Services Michelle Aron and Julie Sullivan, Rep. Gordon, and me.