At M-POWER we depend on volunteers. Volunteers teach people to read, provide healthcare, tend to our garden and do so much more. And we are grateful. So much so that we even have an annual volunteer award and volunteer celebration, and we're always talking about ways we can improve our volunteer program.


And yet, I am beginning to ask a rather disturbing question: is volunteering biblical?


As an organization that purports itself to be guided by the teaching and example of Jesus, what the Bible says is always critical.


I have read the Scriptures from cover to cover. If you have not done so, I highly recommend it. You might be surprised to find what is in there. More surprising, however, might be what you won't find.


Do you want to know what the Bible doesn't mention? Volunteering. Not even in Greek or Hebrew.


Instead, there is a whole lot about service, becoming servants, the first being last, our calling to be slaves to righteousness, and how our lives are not our own. Frankly, there's nothing in the Bible that suggests the Christian life is something we tack on at the end of a busy week or on football-free Saturdays.


Turns out, Jesus called twelve folks, and through the Spirit, all of us, to be his followers - his disciples, not his volunteers.


Jesus never said, "If anyone would follow me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and give me one hour a month."


Jesus's radical call to obedience is to give of our whole lives - to die to ourselves, actually. 



So, what does this mean for volunteering? Have we Christians been misled? Do we need to drop all our commitments - stop building houses for Habitat, serving food at the Fire House Shelter, or heaven forbid, volunteering at M-POWER? Of course not; but, we must begin to reframe what it means to serve.


The problem with volunteering is not that we do it, but that we think it is enough. We think, "An hour or two here and there, or a few days in summer, and I have met my obligation." In fact, the radical faith Jesus calls us toward requires us to live our full lives in service to Him and His kingdom.


Put simply, Christ wants all of us. Every day. Every hour. Every second. He wants us during work hours, vacation time, and date nights.


We must begin reframing our volunteer service.


If you volunteer by building a house for Habitat, it suggests you think someone should have a safe place to live. So, what might you do the rest of the year to help that become more likely? If you volunteer to serve food at Fire House Shelter, you are saying folks should not be hungry or homeless. So, how might the rest of your life reflect that same value?


At M-POWER, we see your volunteer service as merely one way for you to live out your calling to love and serve God with your whole life. When we serve through M-POWER, we are saying that people shouldn't have to be stuck in a cycle of poverty forever. So, what choices are we making in the rest of our lives that actually help keep folks there?



Friends, these are heavy questions wrought with tensions, but gratefully we are not called to sort this out on our own. Christ has given us his Spirit and a community of believers to hold one another accountable for how we live. I challenge you to join me as we enter into these questions and tensions, with full confidence that God will transform us through the process.


Christ's Peace and Courage,

Ryan Sig

 Executive Director   

Meet Caitlin

Caitlin Irby is M-POWER's newest hire, serving as the Clinic Coordinator during our daytime PATH Clinic. She began her work with us in June, and we look forward to having her on our team!

Tell us a little bit about yourself including a few things we may not know about you.

"I grew up in Mobile, AL and moved to Birmingham to pursue my nursing degree from UAB. After graduation, I decided to stay in Birmingham and begin working as an RN. Some of my favorite things to do outside of work are hiking, swimming and traveling. I love to be adventurous! You can usually find me at Oak Mountain State Park trying my hand at paddle boarding or climbing on my off days."


What is your role at M-POWER?

"I am the RN Clinic Coordinator. I'm still learning what all this role entails. So far, my main function is to triage patients before they see the provider. But, I can also help out in the dispensary and in the front office. I like to be busy so I'm always asking who I can help."


What would people never guess you do in your role?

"My favorite thing about being a nurse that people don't often consider is my duty to teach. I really enjoy educating my patients about their disease, medications, diet, exercise...the whole picture! I truly believe in holistic care. It takes more than medicine to heal!"


What aspect of your role do you enjoy the most?

"I love when I'm interacting with patients and they have that light bulb "ah-ha" moment. It's nice knowing that the patient can leave the clinic that day being empowered with more knowledge and understanding to take better control of their own healthcare."


Before working here, what was the most unusual or interesting job you've ever had?

"I got my first job when I was 15 years old as the custodian for my home church. It was not glamorous, but it certainly taught me many things: the value of a dollar and hard work ethic. Looking back, I could not be more proud to say I was a janitor during high school."


What kinds of hobbies and interests do you have outside of work?

"I am attracted to all things outdoors. I love to hike, run, swim, canoe, etc. I like to try my hand at crafts, but I usually give up after I've burnt my fingers raw with the hot glue gun."


What is one thing you couldn't live without?

"Pizza! Definitely pizza!! And sunshine. I crave them both!"


What is your hidden talent?

"I can play the flute. And while I love singing, I don't consider it a talent... more like a 'joyful noise.'"


What is your favorite movie and book?

"There are so many to chose from! One of my favorite books is 'Redeeming Love' by Francine Rivers. I like most movies, unless they are scary. I've recently learned that I really like documentaries, too. The National Geographic section of Netflix is awesome."


What kind of legacy do you hope to leave?

"I hope to be known as a girl with a pure heart that is abounding with joy and love. I will never achieve this legacy apart from Christ, so I also hope to be remembered as someone dependent on Him."

Spread the Word

Pre-order an M-POWER shirt with a $15 suggested donation benefiting M-POWER Ministries.

Final date to submit orders is Tuesday, July 15 at 5PM CST. T-shirts will be mailed to your home address at the time of completion, an estimated two weeks later (July 29).

Help M-POWER Ministries spread the word that poverty is not just about money.

In fact, no one resource will help someone get out of poverty. Poverty includes a lack of sufficient financial resources, but it is so much more. Poverty is the opposite of wholeness.

Wholeness requires resources like education, physical and mental health, emotional health, finances, a support system, healthy relationships, role models and more.

We define poverty as significant deficits in three or more of these vital resources. When these deficits last into a second generation, we call this generational poverty. Generational poverty creates a poverty culture.

M-POWER Ministries provides opportunities for people to break the cycle of poverty through education and health services.

When you wear an M-POWER "What is Poverty?" t-shirt you are helping us share the truth about the obstacles that affect those we serve.

Shirt details: 100% preshrunk cotton
Double-needle stitching throughout 
Dark chocolate Gildan tee with white lettering

Education Center Update

Intake Schedule

Enrolling GED and Career-Readiness students now through July 15, 2014 for the next 12-week semester.


Help us Recruit Students

If you or someone you know would benefit from any of our Education Center programs, please help us get the word out! Download our flyer here and post them around town or email to those who may be interested.


Volunteer Needs

30 Mentors (training offered August 23; must attend orientation first)

Math Skills and English Skills Tutors  


Bring Lunches and Snacks this Fall

Sign-up to provide food during our fall semester. 

Health Center Update

Important Dates

The Health Center will be closed the week of July 4 (June 30 to July 4). There will be no providers onsite. No daytime or evening clinics will be held. 


Volunteer Needs

Dispensary help

Front office / data entry


Give to help us give people the tools to break the cycle of poverty.

Donate Button

M-POWER Ice Cream Social  



Saturday July 26, 2014

from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM 


Beat the heat and hangout with your M-POWER friends at our Ice Cream Social! Bring a pint of your favorite frozen treat or a topping to share.


You may also choose to participate in our Homemade Ice Cream Competition! Two winners will be named: Judges Favorite and Crowd Favorite. Bring a batch of your best to share, and we'll provide the tasters.


Help us get the word out by inviting your friends on Facebook

Serve through M-POWER 

Register for one of our upcoming volunteer orientations to begin serving at M-POWER.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

from 12:00PM to 12:45PM   


August Volunteer Orientation 

Tuesday August 12, 2014

from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM CDT

Last Month in Photos

Follow us on Instagram! 

See our feed from the past month below. 
@erinclarkson_sc is so excited that she is one of the winners of our Social Media Contest! She and @nicseaborn are the proud recipients of some of our garden cards. Stay tuned for another chance to get free stuff for staying connected to us via #facebook @erinclarkson_sc is so excited that she is one of the winners of our Social Media Contest! She and @nicseaborn are the proud recipients of some of our garden cards. Stay tuned for another chance to get free stuff for staying connected to us via #facebook
Social Media Contest winner @nicseaborn has never been more excited in his life! Stay connected via #twitter #instagram and #facebook for your opportunity to win #gardencards
Social Media Contest winner @nicseaborn has never been more excited in his life! Stay connected via #twitter #instagram and #facebook for your opportunity to win #gardencards
What a great group at #volunteerorientation tonight! #health #education #wholeness
What a great group at #volunteerorientation tonight! #health #education #wholeness
Fresh-picked blackberry from our #communitygarden Email Don to volunteer your green thumb at #tasteofsummer #garden #volunteer
Fresh-picked blackberry from our #communitygarden Email Don to volunteer your green thumb at #tasteofsummer #garden #volunteer
Say hello to Alexandra, our summer intern from UAB's School of Public Health! She'll be working with our PAP program, helping to connect patients to life giving medications. #health #wholeness #poverty
Say hello to Alexandra, our summer intern from UAB's School of Public Health! She'll be working with our PAP program, helping to connect patients to life giving medications. #health #wholeness #poverty
@meltbham your friends at @mpowerministries can't wait for you to be in #avondale forever. #thanksforlunch
@meltbham your friends at @mpowerministries can't wait for you to be in #avondale forever. #thanksforlunch
Talking about impact in the Education Center today with key staff #education #wholeness #poverty #impact
Talking about impact in the Education Center today with key staff #education #wholeness #poverty #impact
Health Center intern @rami_abbassi gives some perspective on how tall sunflowers can grow. #communitygarden #suchgreatheights
Health Center intern @rami_abbassi gives some perspective on how tall sunflowers can grow. #communitygarden #suchgreatheights

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Contact Information

M-POWER Ministries
Physical Address: 
4022 4th Avenue South 
Birmingham, Alabama 35222 

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 321233
Birmingham, AL 35232