Sometimes life just hurts.


Suffering is a part of the human experience; a part we don't enjoy or understand. Pain and death are inescapable for all.


Many of us fall into a trap when confronted with suffering. We ask, "why?" instead of "what now?"


When life hurts, we can take comfort that Jesus shared in our pain. He left His place in paradise to become for us the sacrificial lamb that would redeem us from brokenness - forever. We can also remember that we can be Christ's comfort to those who suffer alongside us.


Poverty, like suffering, is universal. Since the fall of mankind, we have all been struggling toward wholeness. We are broken vessels, but we're broken together. What joy there is to share in the sufferings of one another! What abundant grace is there in relationships that enter into each other's pain!


At M-POWER, our students, patients, and volunteers are a part of a community of encouragement that suffers alongside one another. In classrooms, hallways and exam rooms, we seek to be a place that gives hope and strength to the weary.


We are all broken, yes. But we are not alone.


In Christ,

Ryan Sig

 Executive Director   

Congratulations, Ryan Hankins!

We are thrilled to share that our Executive Director, Ryan Hankins, was a 2015 Top 40 Under 40 finalist, sponsored by the Birmingham Business Journal.

From the Birmingham Business Journal:
"Ryan Clark Hankins, 39, is known to say that he had a choice of whether to study ethics or practice them. He chose the latter after moving to Birmingham in 2001 and becoming head of M-POWER Ministries, where he helped the nonprofit gain a reputation for its innovative solutions to combat poverty, improve health care and increase education options."

We're grateful for Ryan's leadership and honored to have the Birmingham Business Journal highlight his exceptional work at M-POWER. Pass along congratulations to Ryan here

Volunteer Spotlight

Faithful volunteers make the work of M-POWER possible! Cynthia Wise has been a volunteer in our Education Center for several years.

She says, "I love my student! The going is slow, but he is improving. His mother wrote me a note on a little scrap of paper a couple of years ago. I framed it and keep it where I can see it. She wrote, 'You are making a difference in my son's life and that means so much to me.' I'm thankful to God for the opportunity to do that. It feels holy to me."


Thank you, Cynthia, for your perseverance even when the work is sometimes slow-going.


We are grateful for the many volunteers who serve diligently, acting as the hands and feet of Christ.


Education Center Update


We will always welcome volunteers who are willing to support our classroom instructors. These volunteers might make copies, staple papers or assist with one-on-one instruction in the classroom under the lead instructors' guidance.


Our instructional year has been disjointed by the weather, but our instructors continue to show their passion for our students. We are looking forward to Spring!


One date left! Click below to sign up to bring lunch for our Education Center students on March 11:  



Health Center Update

Volunteer Needs 

If you are a current Health Center volunteer or have gone through volunteer orientation and have not yet been assigned a volunteer position, contact  



Serve through M-POWER 

Register for one of our upcoming volunteer orientations or trainings! Orientation attendance required before trainings.

Tuesday, Mar 10, 2015
12:00pm to 12:45pm  
M-POWER Ministries

April Volunteer Orientation
Tuesday, April 14, 2015
5:30pm to 7:00pm
M-POWER Ministries 

Special Opportunities


Submit resume and cover letter to


Communications Intern
Position is financially unpaid, but benefits include good feelings from doing something that matters, lots of high fives, assurance of much fun, and the opportunity to learn about nonprofit management!

Email Bethany Rushing to apply.

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Contact Information

M-POWER Ministries
Physical Address: 
4022 4th Avenue South 
Birmingham, Alabama 35222 

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 321233
Birmingham, AL 35232