Volume 13 | Number 09
Luvk9s October monthly newsletter
Today is National Pet Obesity Awareness Day. It's estimated that over 50% of cats and dogs are overweight. Pet obesity can lead to serious health issues and can shorten your pet's life. How can you determine if your pet is overweight? Page down to learn how to keep your dog lean and fit.

Click here to learn about National Pet Obesity Awareness Day.
Enrichment activity - game #4
Photo by Doris Dressler
This month's enrichment activity is a DIY nosework toy using toilet paper rolls. Stick them in a box - the more rolls you have in the box, the more challenging it is - and randomly drop treats into some of the rolls.
Your dog will have to use his nose to find which rolls have the treats - and then has to figure out how to get the rolls out of the way to get to the treats.   
Click here to see this "toy" in action.
Keep your dog lean and fit
Staying fit and losing weight are usually the top two New Year's resolutions for humans.  
But what about your dog? Has he put on a few pounds? How can you determine if your dog really is overweight (as opposed to fluffy), and if he is, what can you do about it?

The tool used by many canine professionals to determine whether or not a dog is overweight is the Nestle Purina Body Condition System. Your dog’s body condition score should be a four or five.

Ideally, you should be able to easily feel your dog’s ribs. (If you can see them, your dog may be too thin.) When looking at your dog from above, you should see a waistline. When looking at your dog from the side, the abdomen should be tucked.  
Upcoming educational opportunities
Luvk9s is busy this fall running group classes in Big Canoe, Ball Ground Hounds and Red Barn Kennels which will wrap up by Thanksgiving. Our next round of classes will start up January 2022.

Do you need a "training tune-up"
before the holidays?

Luvk9s will continue to offer in-home consultations through the end of the year. Contact us for more information.