Volume 11 | Number 05
Luvk9s May monthly newsletter
Memorial Day is right around the corner. In addition to honoring and remembering Americans who died serving our country, it's also a good time to acknowledge some of their four-legged comrades who died serving alongside them.
Quick Clicks - remembering military dogs:
Fake service dogs
ADA provides guidance
Chart courtesy of Doris Dressler
The news has been full of stories about fake assistance animals. There have been reports of untrained and aggressive service dogs and tales of emotional support peacocks, squirrels, hamsters and snakes.
As a trainer who spent over nine years training service dogs for a local service dog organization, fake service dogs are a hot button for me.

Badly behaved fake service dogs cause people to question the validity of real service dogs. This can make the life of a person with a physical disability and a legitimate service dog incredibly more difficult than it needs to be.

Breed of the month: COCKER SPANIEL
P hoto of Cookie courtesy of owner Sara Hones
The cocker spaniel was bred to hunt the woodcock, a game bird - which is also how this breed got its name. Did you also know that:

  • The cocker spaniel is the smallest breed in the sporting group?
  • Cocker spaniels make terrible watchdogs because they are so friendly?
  • The dog used in Coppertone commercials was a cocker spaniel? (Click here to see the commercials.)

Upcoming group classes
Group classes will be starting in June at Red Barn Kennels.

Luvk9s will be offering:
  • Puppy class (starts June 6)
  • Basic obedience (starts June 13)
  • Basic obedience level II (starts June 13). This is the Canine Good Citizen/intro to therapy work class.

Luvk9s also continues to offer private lessons in North Georgia as well as Canton, Ball Ground, Woodstock, Marietta and surrounding areas.
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love.
For me, they are the role model for being alive.
Gilda Radner