Volume 11 | Number 02
Luvk9s January monthly newsletter
Happy New Year! January is "National Train Your Dog Month." Click here for free webinars courtesy of the APDT (Association of Professional Dog Trainers.)

Quick Clicks:
Do dogs grieve?
Photo courtesy of dreamstime.com
During my time in Japan in 2008, I became fascinated with the story behind a memorial at Shibuya Station, one of the biggest train stations in the world, for an Akita dog named Hachiko.

Hachiko would meet his owner at the Shibuya Station every day after his commute home. His owner died while at work in May 1925; Hachiko continued to wait for his master every day in the late afternoon at the station until he died in 1932.

Breed of the month: AKITA
P hoto courtesy of dreamstime.com
In honor of Hachiko, the dog of the month is the Akita. Helen Keller brought the first Akita to the states from Japan in 1937.

Did you also know that:
  • Akita's are the most primitive dog on the planet, closely linked to the wolf?
  • Akita's almost went extinct in WW II when they were killed for their pelts to line the coats of Japanese soldiers?
  • Akita's are best with experienced dog trainers?

Upcoming group classes
Just in time for New Year's resolutions
Group classes will be starting on Thursday, Jan. 17 at Red Barn Kennels.

Luvk9s will be offering:
  • Puppy class
  • Basic obedience
  • Agility level I and II
  • Combo class (a little of everything!)

Luvk9s will also continue to offer private lessons in Big Canoe, Bent Tree and North GA. Contact us for more information.

"If I had a dollar for every time my dog made me smile, I'd be a millionaire.”
Author unknown