Ebulletin no : 53 5/07/16

Town centre footfall, Tidy Day, Cultural Quarter launch and more ... welcome to this week's edition of our Luton BID news.
Our Tidy Day roundup

Over 30 staff from Tokko, Santander, The Mall, Debenhams, Marks and Spencer, Youthscape, Greggs, Luton Culture, UKCCA and Luton BID gathered for the two hour town centre clean-up last week.  Working together and across the town centre, we collected 19 bags of litter. Read our full story HERE .

If your business would like to be involved in future clean up events please email info@lutonbid.org.
Cultural Quarter launch

We were delighted to sponsor and support the official launch of Luton's Cultural Quarter at the weekend.

The crowds flocked, with the line-up including street performers, live music, dance and an outdoor  screen that broadcast the Wimbledon and family films.

For the all the details about this Luton Borough Council event, also supported by Love Luton, London Luton Airport and Luton Culture, click  HERE .
Footfall increases in Luton town centre

Luton town centre saw a 2.5% increase in footfall in January to June 2016, as compared to the same six month period last year.

To calculate footfall into our town centre Luton BID monitors data captured by four cameras located on Park Street, Manchester Street, Bute Street and George Street. We then c ompare statistics against previous weeks and years.
Welcome to our new businesses

A warm welcome to the new businesses that have chosen Luton town centre as their new home.

On St George's Square we now have the premium burger and fries restaurant Five Guys. B lendz Barbers has moved into Gordon Street, Harlington Law is in Alma Street and on Bute Street is Youthscape.

Keep updated with business news via our Twitter channel @LutonBID.
Dates for your diary

Sunday, 3rd July:  Have you picked up a copy of Luton on Sunday yet? Read our double page feature on independent town centre businesses. 

Monday, July 18th: We are running a two page feature in the Luton on Sunday (to be published 31st July) which will celebrate our diverse range of food and drink businesses. This is the deadline for your submissions (100 words and a pic please). Email  promotion@lutonbid.org

Saturday, 6th August: Luton BID is running a one day Food and Drink Trail, with businesses across the town centre taking part.
How to get involved

All businesses are encouraged to get involved by attending working groups to help steer projects. You can also follow us on Twitter @LutonBID or like us on Facebook Luton BID, or click on the links below.

Look out for our ebulletin next week with details of some of our new projects.

This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton Business Improvement District (BID) 
or partner interested in BID activity.

The BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbbUK).

Luton BID 01582 510657  info@lutonbid.org

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