Luton BID backs call for 'special support' measures for retail, hospitality and leisure businesses
From tomorrow, England will fall back into a tiered system, with Luton being placed under the ‘High’ COVID alert level 2.

We recognise this places immense pressure on hospitality businesses, but also those in retail and leisure sectors.

UK Hospitality has already warned that the new Tier 3 system will result in 94% of hospitality businesses becoming unviable by March 2021. In Tier 2 it is 75% and even at Tier 1 25%.

We agree that sector specific measures require sector specific support, and we support the ‘Bounce Back Better’ manifesto which outlines a range of packages to provide a vital lifeline for hospitality, retail and leisure businesses alike. 

The manifesto follows intense and thorough talks with businesses, BIDs, local authorities, destinations and industry bodies to provide options of support to help the UK economy ‘Bounce Back Better’.

Luton BID is working with industry bodies to lobby the Government for additional support on behalf of retail, hospitality and leisure businesses.

The BID is also writing a letter to the local MPs urging them to get behind the ‘Bounce Back Better’ campaign.

We encourage all businesses to get involved and share the ‘Bounce Back Better’ manifesto to help spread the word.

You can find out more and download social media assets from the campaign’s website HERE
Business Support Guide
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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)