'Luton Together - Moving Forward'
Official reopening of Luton town centre

The official reopening of the town centre began this morning as non-essential retail stores and businesses were permitted to open.

Luton BID, Luton Borough Council, The Mall and other partners have been preparing the town centre for the reopening as part of the ‘Luton together – moving forward’ campaign, implementing measures such as prominent sigange and floor graphics, marshalls and one-way systems.

Luton BID will continue to promote key messages around safety measures on social media - including advising visitors to avoid the peak times between 11am-2pm and other advice.

More information on 'Luton Together - Moving Forward' HERE.
Queue management

New queueing processes and one-way routes worked well today as shops and businesses reopened. 

The Mall’s traffic light system was on 'Amber' for much of the day, and shoppers and visitors are being advised of significant queueing time in some stores and to be understanding, kind and respectful to others.

Thank you to those who came into the town centre today and worked within the new safety measures.
New support for reopening and recovery of high streets

The High Streets Task Force has announced new training, expert advice and online resources for high streets in England.

A package of support to help high streets get back on their feet has been launched, and the High Streets Task Force will provide access to cutting-edge tools, training, information and advice for high streets across England as part of the government’s efforts to get shops back in business safely.

The support will form one part of the Task Force’s 4-year programme which will focus on the long-term transformation of town and city centres and helping communities reimagine and revitalise their high streets. For further information please click HERE.
Taxable expenses for employees working at home

HMRC has published guidance detailing the equipment, services or supplies that are taxable if employees are working from home due to the outbreak of coronavirus.

Employers can be affected by this if any of their employees are working from home due to:
  • Closure of the workplace
  • Advice to self-isolate

For further information please click  HERE.
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)