239 - 15th October 2019
Vote YES for the Luton BID Renewal!

Ballot papers have now been sent out to all businesses’ rate paying addresses for properties in BID area.

Information about the ballot has been sent out with a printed copy of the BID Prospectus. Businesses are asked to return their ballot paper by 5pm on Thurs 31 st October. 

If you have any queries about the ballot do not hesitate to contact the BID at info@lutonbid.org or call on 01582 510657.

Read all about the BID and this month's ballot on the website HERE .
For our press release click HERE .
Objective 2 of the Luton BID Business Plan.

The second objective in the new business plan is to build on what has been achieved in changing perceptions of Luton town centre. 

Projects already established such as window vinyl’s on vacant units, beautiful floral displays throughout the summer and targeted street cleaning will continue.

The BID will also be working with The Culture Trust in Luton, Luton Borough Council, the University of Bedfordshire and others to develop the different areas of the town centre such as the Hat District and the University Quarter so that they look and feel great. 

To read the full BID proposal see our prospectus .
Promotion is the key to success.

Abbas Shaffi, Owner of Shaffi and Sons and Director of Luton BID:

“The past five years of the BID have seen some fantastic work taking place to make Luton more accessible and attractive to visitors - the floral displays, our deep cleaning Glutton machine and regular tidy days have all helped to make Luton town centre more appealing for all.

“I will be voting YES to ensure these projects continue and we can build upon this work to make Luton a great place for business.” 

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)