Return to Work Webinar

Luton BID is delighted to be joining the University of Bedfordshire and Luton Borough Council to run a one hour webinar.

This will take place on Tuesday 1 September at 2pm.

  • Do you face questions from your employees who are worried about coming back to the workplace?
  • Do you just want to double-check if your customer distancing arrangements are ok?
  • Want to ask what the next steps are for Luton opening up?
  • Need some advice on how to reassure your customers that it’s safe to come in?
  • Want to know if your arrangements will keep you safe from your customers?

Bring your COVID and business questions along to the webinar and we will answer them quickly and frankly. Find out more for details about registration click HERE.
Return to School and Road Usage

With schools opening next week, we are expecting very high demand on our roads. 

Working with Luton Council we are asking local businesses to play their part in helping to reduce the demand on our roads. Please consider ways you can support your employees to:

• Reduce their need to travel by working from home where possible. 
• Change their arrangements, by walking or cycling for all or part of the way. 
• Re-time journeys. Start earlier or later or work a compressed week. 
• Reroute journeys to avoid the town centre areas and roads around schools. 

2020 has given us the opportunity to re-evaluate about how we do many things. Why not use this as an opportunity to rethink the way you travel?

For information and support to help your business reduce its travel demand please contact  
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)