236 - 24th September 2019
Meet all our Mystery Shopping Business Award winners

Luton town centre businesses have been praised for their excellent customer service, with more than 55 companies receiving top awards at the Luton BID Mystery Shopping Business Awards.

Businesses of all sizes and types - ranging from boutiques and salons, to chains, independents and professional services - gathered at Luton's UK Centre for Carnival Arts last week.

Below is just one photo from the evening. To see all our photos, including photos of each award winning business that attended the ceremony, visit our Facebook album HERE.

Congratulations to all - excellent customer service is yet another reason to shop local and support Luton town centre.
BID Renewal event: 5-year plan for town centre unveiled

Businesses gathered in Luton town centre last week for the official launch of the Luton BID Prospectus 2020-2025.

The five year plan (for the second term of Luton Business Improvement District) includes four key objectives, with a pot of funding allocated to each:

Promotion : Identify, develop and promote the strengths, characteristics and the business offer of Luton town centre to increase positive perceptions and loyalty of the town, locally, regionally and nationally.

Environment: To ensure the town centre and all its different areas present a distinctive, accessible and appealing environment which attracts business investment, encourages visitors to stay longer and fosters a pride in the town.

Experience: To provide a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors and workers in Luton town centre to enjoy.

Growth and Investment : To build on the strengths of the business community to support and promote growth, development and investment.

Vote YES in the BID ballet to ensure these objectives are met and five years of funding secured. Click on the above image of the BID Prospectus to find out more.

You can also download the Luton BID Prospectus  2020-2025 directly by clicking HERE .
BID AGM - 25th September 2019

Luton BID's Annual General Meeting will take place tomorrow [Wednesday 25th September] at 4.30pm at Tokko Youth Centre.

To attend and vote on key Luton BID issues, including the make up of the board, you will need to become a member of Luton BID Ltd.

For further details about becoming a member and/or attending the AGM please email  info@lutonbid.org.
A reminder - our Tidy Morning

Luton BID is arranging another of our award winning Tidy Mornings - set to take place next Friday, 27th September 2019, 8.30am-10.30am.

This event aims to make a visible difference to the cleanliness of the town centre and encourages businesses to take pride in, and a responsibility for, the environment in which they work.

You can confirm your attendance by contacting Luton BID by phone on 01582 510 657 or via email at  info@lutonbid.org
Diary Dates

  • Wednesday, 25th September - Luton BID's AGM
  • Friday, 27th September - BID's Tidy Morning. Register to take part HERE
  • Saturday, 26th October - Diwali, St George's Square. Timings, line-up HERE.

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If you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)