Luton to move to COVID high alert level following sharp increase in cases

Luton Council yesterday confirmed that Luton will move into the government’s ‘HIGH-ALERT’ level, with new restrictions introduced after a continued surge in Covid-19 cases.

Leader of Luton Council, Hazel Simmons MBE and Lucy Hubber, Luton’s Interim Director of Public Health have stated: "While Luton’s infection rates are still lower than some areas of the country, the current trajectory makes it clear that action is needed now in order to contain the spread of the virus. Reluctantly, due to the evidence, we have accepted the position of moving up to tier 2.”

Here is a summary of what this means:

  • In any indoor setting, whether at home or a public place, people MUST NOT meet with anyone they don’t live with (unless they are part of your support bubble or essential carers).
  • If outdoors, whether in a garden or public outdoor space, people MUST NOT meet with people they don’t live with in groups of more than 6.
  • These rules are all enforceable by law and must be followed at all times, so please make sure you pass this onto your family, friends, colleagues and networks within the community.
  • People should also limit the number of journeys they make away from home.
  • If people need to travel they should walk or cycle where possible, or plan ahead to avoid busy times and routes on public transport.
  • People can continue to go to places of worship and facilities such as leisure centres and libraries are still open, where they are Covid-secure.

You can read the full story HERE.
Luton Days of Action

Today, Friday 30 October, Luton BID will be joining the all-new Luton COVID-19 Days of Action. 

The BID team, along with partners including Bedfordshire Police, Luton Borough Council and The Mall, will visit businesses and talk to the public about COVID-19 safety measures.

If you would like a visit from members of the team so that you can find out more about the support that is available to your business please email us as soon as possible at 
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)