211 - 8th May 2019
Congratulations to the Hatters

T housands flocked to St George's Square on Sunday - to celebrate Luton Town's promotion to the Championship.

The main party kicked off when the Hatters players and officials arrived in the square from Kenilworth Road in an open-top bus.

The team and officials made their way to a private reception in the Town Hall, with season highlights playing on large screens in the Square until 2pm.

A huge congratulations to the whole Hatters team from Luton BID.

If you any any Hatters memories or photos from Sunday please share them with us on social media and tag in @LutonBID.
Professional services

To promote and celebrate our range of professional service businesses we will soon be launching an online guide and directory

We will be featuring accountants, insurance companies, lawyers, banks, creative companies, estate agents and recruitment companies.

How do you get involved?

  • Our BID team will be visiting businesses to check we have the correct company information and to request a high resolution logo. Email us if you have any questions: info@lutonbid.org
  • You can download a proforma and return it to us by clicking HERE.
Luton BID levy bills - how to pay

Businesses should have received Luton BID levy bills in March. This is a charge in addition to Business Rates and needs to be paid separately, regardless of how you pay your business rates.

Prompt payment will help ensure that BID objectives voted for come into fruition.
You can Pay your bill as follows: levy in the following way
  • By telephone - the 24 hour payment line is 0300 456 2725/
  • Pay by cash or cheque - at our Payment Kiosk located in the Customer Service Centre, Town Hall, Luton LU1 2BQ.
  • Bank Transfer (via your own bank's website) - create a new payee for Luton Borough Council and use the following account details:
Lloyds Bank
Sort code 30-66-76
Account number 172 56 862.

Please quote your eight-digit account number in the reference box.

  • If you have any questions about your levy payment please contact the revenues office at Luton Borough Council. Tel: 0300 790 0349 or email revenuesNNDR@luton.gov.uk

Mystery Shopping - our final call

Following the success of last year’s Mystery Shopping programme we are delighted to confirm that our awards scheme is back for a second year.

Our Mystery Shopping scheme is designed to identify, enhance and recognise customer service excellence in Luton town centre.

We only have a few places left so if you are keen be quick and get in touch by 5pm this Friday, 10th May.

You will then be visited by a mystery shopper this summer and invited to a prestigious awards event, which will take place in September. Download our Mystery Shopping leaflet HERE.
Dates for your diary

Friday, 24th May, 8.30am-10am - Luton BID Tidy Morning. Email info@lutonbid.org to find out more.

Saturday, 15 th June - Street Circus and Chilli Fest, courtesy of Luton BID. Details HERE.

Friday, August 30 th - Saturday 31 st – the BID's Celebrate Luton Summer Fest. Details HERE.

Saturday, 14th September - Polonia Festival. Details HERE.

Saturday, 26th October - Diwali in Luton. Details HERE.
This email is sent to you as a business located in the
Luton BID Business Improvement District (BID) 
or partner interested in BID activity
under GDPR legitimate interest.
If you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)