203 - 19th March 2019
Chapel Street Gating - now installed thanks to the BID
Gate restricted access to the alleyway and car parking on Chapel Street has been installed thanks to Luton BID and support from local businesses and freeholders.

The new gates were erected on Monday 18th March and will prevent further fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour in the area to the side of the NHS walk-in centre on Chapel Street - a major entrance way into the town centre.

This has been a long-term project with a number of stakeholders involved, and we are delighted to have been able to make a significant improvement to the area, making it a nicer and safer place for people to work and visit.

For more information please call Luton BID Project Manager, Fergus McLardy on 01582 510 657 or email info@lutonbid.org

Pictures and video of the installation can be found on our Facebook page HERE.
Tidy Day - please sign up and join us

It is two and a half weeks until our Tidy Day with more clean-up activities and opportunities for more people to get involved.

If you would like to join us on Friday 5 th  April, please sign-up before 5pm this Thursday.

As well as the usual litter collection, the BID and volunteers will be supported by Luton Borough Council's cleaning team and park officers to help tidy green spaces, plant additional flowers and shrubs and refresh street furniture. 

Instead of being open to those working in Luton town centre, anyone can take part this time. The event will start at 8am and finish at 2pm but volunteers are welcome to join in for any part of the day.
To join us as an individual or team please email HERE with your full contact details for further details.  Or simply register online HERE.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to make a positive an impact on your town centre.
Town centre vigil

We had an emotional event yesterday, when Luton Faith organised a vigil in tribute to the victims of the horrific Christchurch terrorist attack - to stand united against extremism in all its forms. 

The vigil lasted around 40 minutes and included speeches from a range of local community/religious leaders condemning the attacks and calling for unity.
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Luton BID 01582 510657   info@lutonbid.org

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)