COVID-19 measures in Luton town centre
As part of ‘Luton Together – Moving Forward’, Luton BID,   Luton Council ,   The Mall Luton,   The Galaxy and  The Culture Trust Luton have put together this short video so that shoppers and businesses can see the safety measures implemented in the town centre.

Look out for it on social media and please do share to help people plan their town centre visit and stay COVID-19 safe.
Reopen your business safely during Coronavirus
Employers that want to reopen their business have a legal responsibility to protect their employees and other people on site.

The Government have released a Working Safely Tool to help you carry out a risk assessment and make sensible adjustments to the site and workforce.
If you do not carry out a risk assessment, the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) or your local council can issue an enforcement notice.
Employees can use this guidance to check what their workplace needs to do to keep people safe. Access the Working Safely Tool HERE .
Important information from HMRC
As part of the government’s support for businesses during COVID-19, HMRC gave businesses the option of deferring their VAT payments if they were unable to pay on time, without incurring late payment interest or penalties. 

The option to defer paying VAT ends on 30‌‌ June 2020. This means that VAT returns with a payment due date after 30‌‌ June must be paid in full, on time.
HMRC have also released the Employer Bulletin (June 2020, Issue 84)   which includes all of the latest COVID-19 updates to help you continue to meet your payroll obligations to HMRC and to claim any relevant grants and rebates during this challenging time.  
Other important news for Luton BID businesses
Further halt to business evictions and more government support for high street firms

The UK government has extended measures to prevent struggling companies from eviction over the summer.  

A new  code of practice   has been developed with leaders from the retail, hospitality and property sectors to provide clarity for businesses when discussing rental payments and to encourage best practice so that all parties are supported. For further information please click HERE.
Template for 100+ employees - Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

For employers who are claiming for more than 100 employees via the CJRS scheme, the claim system requires those claims to be uploaded.

HMRC has now issued the template which can be used for these claims which are to be submitted for periods on or after the 1 July.

Download the template HERE.
Business Support Guide

Our comprehensive coronavirus Business Support Guide has been updated to reflect the new phase of guidance as announced by the Government.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)