Additional Restrictions Grants now live
The Additional Restrictions Grant (ARG) has been developed by Luton Council and targets local businesses which are severely impacted by COVID, but not eligible for the Local Restriction Support Grants (LRSG).

The scheme focuses mainly on the retail, hospitality, travel and leisure sectors, or businesses in events and aviation. It will also help businesses outside the business rates system, including taxi/private hire drivers, who have also been impacted but do not qualify for other grant funding schemes. This group will receive a one-off grant payment of £500 if they live and are licensed in Luton. There will also be some funding set aside for business support programmes.
These one off payments have been split into three levels with a £5,000 award given to businesses most impacted, £3,000 given to those lesser impacted and businesses with minor impact will receive £1,000.

In the first round eligible businesses can apply until 24 December 2020. Further rounds will be made available, if and when further national or local Tier 3 restrictions are enforced (depending on government funding availability).

Full details and a link to the application form can be found on the council website HERE.
Faster Business Grant updates for Luton BID businesses
Luton BID has come to an arrangement with Luton Council which will help BID businesses get faster updates on Business Grant applications. 

If you have applied for a grant and not received the funds, do let us know by emailing The BID will then liaise directly with the council team processing the grants, and get back to you within 36 hours.

Please do not contact us unless you applied at least 10 days prior to your email. Please also make sure you supply us with the name of the person and business the grant application was made in, the full business address, date of application and the grant application reference number.
Business evictions ban extended
The government has confirmed that business owners affected by the pandemic will be protected from eviction until the end of March 2021. A review of commercial landlord and tenant legislation is also set to be launched.

This final extension to protections from the threat of eviction will give landlords and tenants three months to come to an agreement on unpaid rent. The government is clear that where businesses can pay any or all of their rent, they should do so. For further information please click HERE.
The Mall's general manager is our latest Business Hero
“I did my bit in order to protect the Luton community the best I could. Being at the heart of the community, you would expect nothing less”

Roy Greening, the general manager of The Mall Shopping Centre, is a Luton town centre Business Hero.

Roy - who is Vice Chair of Luton Business Improvement District (BID) - has been working incredibly hard since COVID hit to create a safe environment for shoppers and the local community as well as supporting the Luton Foodbank and the development of community support projects for the people of Luton. 

Read more about Roy’s inspiring work HERE.  
From 1 January 2021 you will need an EORI number to move goods between the UK and non-EU countries - this includes moving goods between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales), the Isle of Man, and the EU. You may also need a separate EORI number if you move goods to or from Northern Ireland.

If you do not have an EORI, you may have increased costs and delays. For example, if HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) cannot clear your goods, you may have to pay storage fees.

What is an EORI number?
An EORI number – which stands for an Economic Operator Registration and Identification Number – is a unique ID code used to track and register customs information in the EU.

Who needs an EORI number?
You can register for an EORI number as a business or an individual. Any business importing and exporting goods to the EU needs one (although does not apply to businesses specialising in digital services). It also does not apply if you are passing goods between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Please also note that if your company is part of a larger holding group, the application must be processed by the parent company, not the subsidiary.

For further information please click HERE.
Business Support Guide
We have updated our businesses support guide with any new available information.

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If you wish, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the link at the bottom of this email.

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)