Recruiting: Luton BID Project Marketing Executive
Recruitment is continuing for our new position - Luton BID Project Marketing Executive.

This role is an exciting opportunity for someone who has marketing and project experience, and the successful applicant will be accountable for supporting the BID's marketing and delivery of projects.

More details and how to apply can be found HERE.

pfbb UK - the national BID management company who specialise in the development and delivery of Business Improvement Districts across the country - will employ and manage the role on behalf of Luton BID.
Luton BID Community Impact Statement
- Anti-Social Behaviour
Luton BID is developing a Community Impact Statement to assist with prosecuting cases of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB).

A Community Impact Statement is a short document illustrating the concerns and priorities of a specific community over a set time period. The idea is that this can be included in all court applications for ASB enforcement action to show the impact begging, alcohol related crime etc have on members of the public, businesses and their staff.

We would like to hear from businesses in the BID area about the impact Anti-Social Behaviour has on their operations, staff and customers. Please email with your comments and observations to include in the statement.
Luton town centre PSPO extension
- FINAL chance to have a say
It is coming up to three years since the introduction of the Luton Town Centre Public Space Protection Order (PSPO), which expires on the 5th July. 

We would encourage businesses to give their views on a proposed three year extension of the PSPO by the deadline of 23 March.

For details and to complete the survey click HERE.
Car parking refurbishments
The Mall Car Parks will be going through some exciting changes during March as part of a planned refurbishment.

There will be some short-term closures for some parts of the car park - all the details can be found HERE.

Fast Track Pavement Licenses
- expand your outside trading space
The fast track pavement licence, introduced by the Government last year, is still in place for the hospitality sector.

It allows businesses to place removable furniture on the public highway outside their premises, for the sale, or service and consumption, of food and drink.

The licence will be applicable until September 2021 - available to pubs, restaurants, bars, snack bars, coffee shops and ice cream parlours. Full further details click HERE.
Business Support Guide
Read our latest Business Support Guide by clicking on the link below.

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Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd

Luton BID 01582 510657

Luton BID is project managed by Partnerships for Better Business Ltd (pfbb UK)